10 APRIL 1847, Page 11


Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous (exeln. of China Money) Total Ordinary Revenue China Money 'merest and other Monies Repayments of Advances Total Income (exclusive of 980,0001 received on loan of 8,000,0001. as stated below) Deduct Decrease Increase on the Quarter QUARTERS ENDED 5th APRIL 1846. 1847. Increase. Decree** 3,981,918 1,626,458 1,615,168 146,142 1,963,882 215,000 45,000 91,522 4,447;873 1,652,861 1,817,282 130,892 2,033,072 519,000 37,000 92,593

£ 486,755 26,407 131,414

69,190 4,000 1,071 15,260 8,000 9,735,790 56,909 466,473 10,430,377 53,869 164,586 717,637 950 23,250 291,905 10,245,172 10,818,801 718,787 315,155 315,155 403,632

Increase on the Year 1,638,168

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years sad Quarters ended 5th April 1846 and 1847, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.

YEARS ENDED 5th APRIL 1846. 1847. Increase. Decrease.


Excise ... .

Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous (exclu. of China Money) Total Ordinary Revenue China Money Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances Total Income (exclusive of 960,0005 received on loan of 8,060,0001. as stated below) Deduct Decrease

£ 17,861,818 11,686,085 7,095,521 4,254,039 5,084,741 768,000 130,000 188,888

47,041,892 730,839 170,846 1,518,887 49,480,484 61,018,852 £ 18,796,620 12,647,657 7,062,828 4457,158 5,464,681 820,000 115,1.100 318,161 32,693 18,006 50,693 83,215 798,981 49,379 005 667,644 193,497 778,506 872,289 1,132,002 661,572 33,119 3711,1510 52,000 129,273 2,387,1500 22,651 2,410,457 872,268

Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th April 1846 and 1847.

INCOME. 1846. 1847.

10,260,114 10,260,514

QUARTERS xenon 6t.b. APRIL

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances 3,961,918 4,447,473 1641,800 1,065,478 1,685,868 1,817,282 146,152 130,892 1,989,882 2,033,072 215,000 219,000 45,000 37,000 91,522 92,593 52,909 53,859 456,473 161,568 To Cash brought to this Account being the first instalment of loan of 8000,0001. 10,661,417 960,000 11,621,417


Aram 1646. 1847. CHARGE.

Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Con- solidated Fund Sinking Fund Civil List Other Cluagea on the Consolidated Fund For Advances, including 2,300,0001. in present Quarter to Ireland per Act Sand 10 Vic. cap. 107 Total Charge Surplus The Surplus of Revenue on January 5th, 1847, after providing for the charges of that Quarter, was .......... . To which is to be added the surplus of the Consolidated Fund, above stated, on the present Quarter

The Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th April 1847, of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fund for,

Supply Services The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th April 1847 5,631,891 1,314,295 5,194,087 1,310,89.1 8,177,296 1,783,308 10,510,514 11621,117


1,345,155 628,721 1,994,231 5,461,136


954,410 98,085 3313,763 110,000 711,577 • 98,255 337)616 2,910,000