10 APRIL 1858, Page 8



On Monday the English Funds opened heavily, at a decline of per cent upon the final quotations of the previous Thursday. The markets have ex- hibited increased dulness every day, and a fall of nearly per cent has been established. The general decline may be attributed to several causes ; the preparation for the settlement in Consols this week, and the amount of " options " which were declared on Wednesday, tending for the time to de- preciate the value of stocks. Several sales have also been pressed upon the market for the purpose of investment in the new Indian Loan, the quotation of which is now 11 11 premium ; money has likewise been daily in lucre:wed demand, owing, it is naturally presumed, to the first instalment on the 4,800,000/. subscribed falling due yesterday ; it appears the terms upon which a list for the remaining 200,000/. had been made up on the Stock Exchange on Thursday last week were not accepted. The probability of the Chancellor of the Exchequer being about to contract a new Loan of 5,000,000/. or 6,000,000/. has been much talked of, and the effect of all these, together with a certain uneasiness as regards Continental afl'aire, has been to depress prices all round, although the amount of speculative busi- ness has been comparatively insignificant. Money has ruled at from 21 to 3 per cent on Government 'Securities. Today the market opened heavily, but has since recovered 1, Consols closing 961 961 for the May Accouut ; Reduced, 95k 951 Exchequer Bills, 34s. 38s. Foreign Secunties have been inactive, although most stocks have fallen throughout the week. Turkish Six per Cents have been negotiated today at 100, and the market still looks heavy ; other things are from 1 to 1 per cent lower ; it is, however, remarkable that so little business should be passing in this market at this particular season. Sardinia is finally quoted 90 91; the Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, 1 discount par ; Mexican 191 20; Venezuela, 32 33; Buenos Ayres, 76 78; Ditto Deferred, ld 17; Russian, 1091 1101 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 81 82; Ditto Three per Cent, 551 56k; Turkish Six per Cent, 100 100k; Ditto Four per Cent, 104 104f ; Spanish Three per Cent, 44 44; Ditto Deferred, 26 261. The Railway Share Market has been chiefly acted upon by operations effected in Consols; business has been extremely dull, and prices heavy and drooping. Midland Stock shows a decline of fully 2 per cent upon last week's value, closing this afternoon 92 94; other shares generally show lower quotations, but not to the same extent; Caledonians have receded 1 per cent, leaving off 44 42k; South-Eastern, 201 20k; London and Brighton, 105 107; Great Northern, 251 ; Great Western Stock has fallen I per cent, 57f 58; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 87f 871; London and South-Western, 46 46k ; London and North-Western closes f per cent worse-94f 941. Indian Shares are steady with a firm market, in consequence of the ease with which the Loan was taken. East Indian, 1091 1101 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 21f 211; Madras 20/. shares, 20/ 21. French Shares are flat. Paris and Lyons, 34 321; Northern of France, 37i 37k; Paris and Strasbourg, 271- 271.

The Bank return of the stock of bullion for this week shows a decrease of 317,519/. There is scarcely any alteration in Stocks or Shares this morn- leg; the markets are all steady. Consols for Money 961 buyers. Foreign


Stocks are steady.

961 961 95 951

96 96 95 95


11-1 220 222 35 40 220 223 90 93 100 102ex d.

99 101 102 104ex d.

101 103 83 84ex d. 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities.

Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents

Chilian 6 per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 98 Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents 65 66 99ex d. 19/ 20.1 81 83 Ditto 3 per Cents 55 57 ex d.

Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 45 46 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111 Ditto 4/ per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 431 44 Ditto Deferred 261 261 Sardinian 5 per Cents 90 92 Swedish 4 per Cents 81 81 Turkish 6 per Cents 97 971 ex d.

Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed

104 1041


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, ,ap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 7th day of April 1858.


Notes issued £39,994,515 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities 3,459,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 17,519,545

Silver Bullion




- £39,913,040 £39,215,040 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

Two failures were announced on Saturday, arising from the derangements In the markets of the East, and from the fall in the value of Indian pro- duce. Messrs. Maitland, Ewing, and Co., in the India and China trade, stopped for a e amount—between 200,000/. and 300,0001.: the liquida- tion is expected to be favourable—probably business will be resumed. Messrs. Newcomen Noble, and Co., in the India trade, suspended for a smaller amount ; but the prospects of the creditors are not good.

Rumours were prevalent at the beginning of the week that a large and old-established brewing firm were in difficulties ; and at a later period it was stated that they had been compelled to call their creditors together to ask for time ; they expected eventually, to be able to meet all claims in full. The house is that of Calvert and Co. The great London brewers act as a kind of bankers to the publicans who deal with them, which makes any stoppage of such houses peculiarly disastrous.

Mr. Abraham Wildey Roberts; head of the banking firm of Roberts and Co., and Chairman of the Committee of Bankers, died on Friday last week. He was in his seventy-ninth year. He held the highest position in the financial world. He was Member for Maidstone a good many years ago.

The London and North-Western Railway Directors have restored the fares to Peterborough to the amount at which they stood before the recent contest with the Great Northern ; and they have offered to alter the fares to Manchester and other places if the Sheffield and the Great Northern Com- panies will assent to the regulation. The Great Northern Company have since stopped the five-shilling excursions to Manchester.

A renewal of the exportation of gold to New York has commenced ; the Africa on Saturday took out 64,212/.

Proprietors Capital E14 533 000 Government Securities (uses-

Rest 3,123,738 ding Dead Weight Annuity). £9,953,978 Public Deposits* 6,988,972 Other Securities 16,620,004 Other Deposits 13,733,515 Notes 11,849,203 Seven Days and other Bills... 615,817 Gold and Silver Coin 791,833