10 APRIL 1886, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATOR."1 SIR,—.1 am very much obliged to you for the substantial help which your kind notices of my work and its needs have given me. In addition to two subscriptions of ten guineas each received through you, I have also had from you £100, from Mr. Carey, of Paris. Mr. Buxton also tells me that several sums have been sent to him (15 Eaton Place, S.W.), which are stated to be owing to your notice of my letter to the Times of the 2nd inst.

I have been two or three days in England, and am returning to-night to the West of Ireland with not more than half the sum, alas ! which is required for the mainland of Mayo and -Galway, to provide seed for the small holdings.

The condition of these districts will be most serious if the sowing-time passes without the needed supply. I cannot affect to be surprised, when we have so many and pressing claims in England, that a difficulty is experienced in raising money for Ireland. Yet, on economical grounds alone, the few hundreds which are required to complete the work ought to be found, for each family which may now receive seed of the value of 30s. or 22, will have secured (with a good crop) the food required for their maintenance for the autumn and winter months at the -very least.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Ath,enceum Club, Pall Mall, S.W., April 7. J. H. DIKE.