10 APRIL 1897, Page 26

The Pirate Junk. By J. C. Hutcheson. (F. V. White

and Co.) —Mr. Hutcheson tells a sea-story with plenty of spirit, and takes

care to have a few choice characters in it. The Malays and Chinese, in this instance, heari ng that a certain Herr Vaadersturm is travelling with a quantity of opium on the ' Star of the East,' follow her, and a long struggle ensues. The result we leave the reader to discover. The German merchant and the Chinese steward are both capital characters in their way, and sure to be

diverting to boys. The Pirate Junk has besides a capital de-

scription of a storm interesting from a nautical point of view; indeed, a most nautical twang is evident all through the voyage of the Star of the East.' The fight is too long, but otherwise we can recommend this tale of the Sooloo pirates to our young readers.