10 APRIL 1897, Page 28


/Wham (F. P.), S. Mark's Indebtedness to S. Matthew, or Svo (Unwin) 2/6 Barrett (F.), The Harding Scandal, cr 8vo (Ghetto & Windus) 3/6 Batson (Mrs. Stephen), The Earth Children, IT Svo (Hutchinson) 2/0 Bolters (W.), The Essence of Christianity, cc 8vo (Sonnenschein) 2/6 Cohan (A.), Yekl (Pioneer Series), or 8eo (Heinemann) 2,43 Carr (Mrs. Comyns), Cottage Folk, cr 8vo (Heinemann) 6,0 Clare (J.), The Science of Spiritual Life, cr Svo (Art & Book Co.) 5K) Crole (D.), Tea : a Text-Book of Tea-Planting & Manufacture ..(Lockwood) 16/0 Eldridge (R. F.), The Kestyns of Cather Castle, cr 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0 Evans (T. J.), and Aaother, Practical Plane and Solid Geometry,

8vo (Chapman lz Hall) 910 Farrar (F. W.), and Others, Sermons for the Commemoration of Queen

Victoria, 1837-1897, or Svo (Skeffington) 2/6 Fennell (C.), and Another, A Prince of Tyrone, cr 8.0 (Blackwood, 6/0 Forteecue (G. K.l. IA Subject Index to Modern Works Added to British Museum, 1891.1885, roy Svo (Quaritch) 40/0 Gamble (E. B.), The God Idea of the Ancients, roy Svo (Putnam) 10/6 Gamble (G.). A Farrago of Folly, cr Svo (Unwin) 36 Gifford (E. H.), The Incarnation, cr 8vo (Plodder & Stoughton) 3/6

Gluing (G.), The Whirlpool, cr 8vo (Lawrence & Sullen) 6/0

Gunter (E.). Outlines of Military Law and Ca:items of War, er leve, (Olowes) 7/6 Hare (H. A.), Practical Diagnosis, 8vo (Hirschfeld) 21/0 Hatton (J.), The Dagger and the those, or 8vo (Hutchinson) 6.0 Hocking (J.), The Birthright, or Svo (Bowden) 3/6 Howarth (D. G.), Philip and Alexander of Macedon, cr Svo (Murray) 14/0

Honee of Dreams (The), 4to (Bowden) 3/6

Jephson (Lady), A Canadian Scrap-Book, or Svo (Marshall & Russell) 3/6 Liddon (H.), Explanatory Analysis of First Epistle to Timothy (Loremans) 7/6 London Health Laws (The), cr 8vo (Oaeaell) 2(0

Mackenzie (F.). Sprays of Northern Pine, or 8vo (Oliphant) 3/6

Mackinnon (J.), Braefoot Sketches, cr Eve (A. Gardner) 5,0 MacNeil (J.), Some One is Coming, or Svo (Marshall Brothers) 2/6 Mahan (A. T.), The Life of Nelson, 2 vols. roy 8vo (8. Low) 3610 Maeterlinck (M,). The Treasure of the Humble, cr 8vo (G. Allen) S;0 Mason (F.), The Tame Fox, and other Sketches, cr Svo ...(Hurst & Blackett) 7/6 Paull (Mrs. Geo. H.), The Story of a Busy Life, 12mo (Hodder & Stoughton) 3/6 Prevost (F.), False Dawn, or 8vo (Ward & Lock) 6/0 Quine (J.), The Captain of the Parish, cr 8vo (Heinemann) 6/0 Riddell (Mrs. J. H.). Did He Deserve It? cr 8vo (Downey) 6/0

Shinn (0. H.). The Story of the Mine, cr Svo (Gay & Bird) 6/0

Singer (L) A Another, Some Unrecognised Laws of Nature, 8vo (J. Murray) 18/0 Snaith (J. C.), Fierceheart the Soldier, or 8vo (Innis) 6/0 South African Boy (A), cr Svo (Marshall & Russell) 2/6 Stephens (11.), Mr. Peters, er Seo (Bliss & Sands) 6/0 Tyrrell (CI ), Nova et Vetere. cr 8vo (Longinans) 6/0 Watson (K.), Litanies of Life, cr 8vo (Bowden) 2/0 Westcott (13. F.), Some Lessons of the Revised Vereien of the New Testa- ment, cc Svo ( Hodder A Stonghton) 5/0 Wetteestrand (0. G.), Hypnotism and its Application to Practical Medicine, roy 8vo (Putnam) 10/0