10 APRIL 1920, Page 13



SIR,—Criticisms of the India Bill do not touch the heart of the matter. The craving for self-government is of course for self- government on Indian lines. It is a religious cry. Permission to imitate English political institutions is not a step towards any self-government, as I think. Certainly it is not a step towards the self-government which is desired. We are about to see a union between Brahmins and Mussulmans for the attainment of true self-government. Well, self-determination is the fashion, but let Englishmen realize that self-determina-

tion for India involves the abolition of the Penal Code and the revival of infanticide, sati, child-marriage, and thuggee. The

real movers behind the present unrest are the Brahmins. Those of the educated class who really want English political institu- tions are their tools; and they are now learning to make a similar use of Mohammedan fanaticism. Well, let them have political institutions for toys for the more harmless of their number.

Burma is different. There you have a homogeneous Buddhistic population imbued with national spirit. Do not fool them with toys, but put real power in their hands (under guidance of selected strong Englishmen) while there is yet time, and before Indian .seditionists have got hold of them, which they are straining every nerve to do.—I am, Sir, &c., W.