10 APRIL 1920, Page 14


[To nu EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") am surprised that your correspondents in their interest- ing letters have none of them a word to say about the Old Testament Revised Version. Surely it largely avoids the fidgety alterations that afflict so many of us in the New Testament, while it throws much new light on obscure passages. The Book of Job alone is a masterpiece from both points of view (if one who does not know the original languages may venture to say -so), and the same remark applies to many portions of the Prophets. Some comparatively small points are especially valuable—e.g., the "hill country of Ephraim," taking the place on occasion of the A.V. " Mount Ephraim," which must puzzle readers as being the scene of so much crowded activity. As -to the Psalms, nobody need be afraid of the R.V. dislodging in church the beautiful Prayer Book Version, which is composed and pointed with a view to chanting. But while the R.V. is practically impossible for this, yet, founded as it is on the fine old Bible Version, it deserves high praise for clearness and terseness, while very many passages have a wonderful beauty of their own. I agree with Mr. Coore's suggestion as to the Readings. in Church being carefully revised, and your corre- spondent " F." makes a tempting proposal as to corrections' in the A.V. margin. But my chief point is the peculiar merit of the 0.T.R.V. for use both in church and out of it —I am,

P.S.—With regard to the- N.Ts would that it had been given, after the translators had done their best and their worst, to. John Bright to set the English right I We can be-truly thankful for the wise action of the Revisers in consulting an experienced seaman about the shipwreck chapter in the Acts, to the immense advantage of the translation from the naval point of view.

[We did not mention the Revised Version of the Old' Testa- ment in our article of March 13th, because we agree with "L. C. F. C." that it is open to very few objections. in comparison with the Revised Version of the New Testament.— ED. Spectator.]