10 APRIL 1920, Page 3

The directors of Lloyds Bank have recently adopted an admirable

scheme of training for the younger members of their staff. It shows such wise generosity that it deserves to be made public. The general principle is that education pays— at any rate in Lloyds Bank. The boy clerks will be permanently engaged if they continue their education. The junior clerks will rise to better positions if they show, by taking degrees or the Bankers' Institute certificates, that they are qualified for more responsible work. University graduates, even if they have had no banking experience, will be eligible for appoint- ments up to the age of twenty-three. Finally, a number of foreign scholarships are to be given every year, to members of the staff or others who show character and ability. The scholars will serve for two years with the Bank's correspondents and agents in the Dominions and in foreign countries. They will be paid their salaries, with special allowances and with scholar- ships of a hundred pounds a year, and thoy will have to make themselves proficient in foreign languages and in the methods of foreign trade and industry. There could be no furor oppor- tunity for an intelligent young banker. Lloyds Bank will be rewarded by securing a.staff of experts in international banking and commerce whose experience should be of incalculable value to their country.