10 APRIL 1920, Page 3

Wednesday's papers contained an appeal for funds for the League

of Nations Union, the energetic and well-managed society which is trying to convince the British public of the necessity and incalculable value of the League of Nations as a bulwark of peace. The appeal was signed by Lord Grey of Fallodon, Mr. Lloyd George, Lord Beatty, Mr. Asquith, Lord Robert Cecil, Mr. Clyne, and General Gough. That so repre- sentative a set of public men can agree in commending the League of Nations Union should be sufficient proof of its national importance. The signatories ask for a million pounds—" the bare cost of four hours of the late war "—to help in averting the possibility of another war. It is a good cause, and we commend it heartily to our readers. The Union's address is 22 Buckingham Gate, S.W. 3.