10 APRIL 1959, Page 17

Tije ftettator

APRIL 12, 1834

Tim Reverend ARTHUR WHALLEY was suspended last week for three years, by the Consistory Court of Hereford. The charges against him were those of heresy and irregular attendance to his sacred func- tions; but the Chancellof said that he would pass over the charge of heresy, and punish the delinquent for the other offence only, We commend the prudence of the Reverend Chancellor of the Hereford diocese. He may be an exceedingly acute theologian, and yet shrink from the task of defining what is heresy and what is not. "Orthodoxy," 'said WARBURTON, "is my doxy, and heterodoxy is another man's doxy;" as good an ex- planation of both terms, we believe, as ever yet was given. The utter inefficiency of creed, articles, and confessions of faith, to preserve a uniformity of opinion even among the members of the same com- munion, would seem to be one of those facts which ecclesiastical records, and the personal experience of every man who mixes in the world, have placed beyond doubt or cavil : yet an argument most fre- quently urged in defence of a national establishment of religion is, that it preserves the true faith in its purity.