10 APRIL 1959, Page 42

SOLUTION OF CROSSWORD 1,037 ACROSS.-1 Tantrum. 5 Chaotic. 9 Pair

off. 10 Ant-heap. 11 Predesigns. 12 Lear. 13 Moo. 14 Sea-canaries. 17 Soft-shelled. 19 Ton. 20 Espy. 22 Hard-boiled. 26 Marabou, 27 Pretext. 28 Nerissa. 29 Sweater.

DOWN.-1 Tip-up. 2 Noises off. 3 Riotcrs, 4 Mufti. 5 Chain-mail. 6 Arts. 7 Theme; 8 Caparison. 13 Masterman. 15 Acetabula. 16 Intellect. 18 Diocese. 21 Purer. 23 Dopes, 24 Doter. 25 Ibis.


Mrs. M. D. Melville, House of Brume. Gordon, Berwickshire. and Mr. A.'GortIon Taylor, 51 North End House, London, W14.