10 AUGUST 1833, Page 16

Notwithstanding the dignified and imposing demeanour of Mrs MANNERS SUTTON,

and his qualifications for preserving order among the disorderly crew who spend their evenings within the walls of St. Stephen's, it not unfr•equently happens, as we have more than once had occasion to remark, that settles are acted there which would not be tolerated in any decent country club-room. One of these was witnessed on Thursday night, while Mr. HALCOMB was speaking about certain disorderly proceedings at the last Coventry election. We take the following account of' it from the Times report of the aforesaid HALCOMB 'S harangue.

" Here the honourable member's speech was rendered unintelligible to the re- porters in the Gallery, by the continued firing of the petards on the south Side of the river, announcing that the boat-race, of which the starting was announced at the commencement of the honourable member's speech, was approaching to its termination: the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir J. Graham, followed by Lord Althorp, Mr. Stanley, the rest of the Cabinet Ministers. and forty or fifty other members, immediately rose from their places, went in a body into the Speaker's garden, and left the honourable member to address himself to almost empty benches."

We hope that the naughty boys did not trample down the Speaker's cabbages, or eat so many of his apples and gooseberries as to make themselves sick. They all deserved a sound whipping for running out of' doors in school-hours ; and we should recom- mend the Speaker to buy a good supply of birch during the vaca- tion, and try if he cannot make his youngsters behave with more decency the next half-year.