10 AUGUST 1833, Page 8

The following notice was posted at Lloyd's on Tuesday last.

" Department of' the Comptroller for Victualling and Transport Services, Somerset Place, 6th August 1833.

" The Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, do hereby give notice, that to-morrow the 7th lust, at one o'clock, they will be ready to treat, under the conditions of the usual printed Charter Party, which may be seen at the above office, for the hire of two good coppered ships, of about 30U tons each, to be employed as regular transports, for three

mouths certain, at 1. per register ton per month. Each ship to have a poop."

In consequence of the notice at Lloyd's inviting tenders for trans- ports, several ship-owners attended on Wednesday morning at the Navy Office ; but on their letters being opened, they were informed that the charge was too high, and that the Government would decline making any contracts. The lowest tender was, we understand, I5s. (id. per ton per month; which, at the current rates of charge, and considering that the engagement was to be for three months only, is sufficiently low.—


The daily estafette between London and Paris will come into ope- ration in the course of next week. The following is the official notice of it, which was circulated on Thursday. "General Post-office. August 1933.

" On and fmm Thursday the 15th instant, a mail will be sent to and received from France, every day, Sunday excepted.

" Letters will be taken in on 'I' uesdays and Fridays, as usual, until 11 p.m. and on

the other days until 7 p.m. " ICIIMOND."