10 AUGUST 1901, Page 14



SIR,-Will you allow me to point out that the writer of a leading article in your issue of July 20th, headed " The Quarterly Review on China," and purporting to be a criticism of an article in the current number of the Quarterly Review, has inadvertently done a serious injustice to that Review? The article on which your reviewer reflects, and from which he quotes, appeared, not in July, 1901, but in January, 190D. It is obvious that opinions which may have been justifiable a year and a half ago, before the recent troubles took place or were even foreseen, would be out of date now. The advice given by the Quarterly Review in its current number yea yourself declare, in your issue of July 27th, to be "excellent if practicable."—I am, Sir, &c., ED/TOR, QUARTERLY REVIEW."

[We greatly regret the mistake complained of. The article to which our leader referred was by a curious accident torn out of the old instead of the new copy of the Quarterly Review, and thus the error was not detected till too late.— ED. Spectator.]