10 AUGUST 1901, Page 3

We are glad that the plucky Brazilian who is working

so steadily at solving the problem of aerial navigation was not in the least hurt, though his machine was destroyed, by the accident which befell him on Thursday. M. Santos-Dumont was making another attempt to win the Deutsch prize,—i.e., a prize of £4,000, given to the first man who successfully circumnavigates the Eiffel Tower. On Thursday the ascent was made without a hitch, and it seemed almost certain that the attempt would succeed, for the aerial ship actually doubled the tower, and was proceeding on her homeward course when the accident happened, and the balloon fell to the ground, or, rather, on to a roof. The collapse of the balloon was the cause of the accident. M. Santos-Dumont is not in the least discouraged by his failure, but means at once to begin the reconstruction of his air-ship. He has no fears as to his ultimate success. Certainly his pluck and enterprise deserve it.