10 AUGUST 1912, Page 1

An anxious watch has been kept on the Turkish crisis

during the week. Last Saturday and on Monday the new Govern- ment under Ghazi Mukhtar Pasha brought off a coup and dissolved the Chamber. Last Saturday the Senate sat till late at night with closed doors and determined that this must be done. The necessary modification in clauses of the Constitution was agreed to, and the Sultan speedily signed the Iradeh. The Times correspondent says that the Senate was not so much impressed by legal arguments as by the information presented by the Grand Vizier concern- ing an ultimatum received from Albania. This ultimatum came from the formidable Gheg (Northern Albanian) army massed at Kossovopolye. The Grand Vizier also enlarged upon the mastering of a large Tosk (Southern Albanian) force at Berat, and on the dangerous excitement among the mem- bers of the Military League, both at Constantinople and at Smyrna..