10 AUGUST 1912, Page 16



Sin,—Many of your readers will be on holiday. Some of them will doubtless find their way to the English lakes, and may wish to know how the fund for the preservation of the beauty of the

northern end of Windermere is progressing. There has been raised, so far, locally, £1,880, and from other sources 4800, but £1,600 has still to be obtained if the Roman camp on Borran's field, and the meadows adjacent to the lake, are to be saved for the public. We welcome small subscriptions, but feel strongly that if our object is to be attained we must induce the wealthier members of the community to give larger sums. We have received a cheque for £100 in memory of William Holman Hunt, 0.111., whose interest in the work of the National Trust was keen from the beginning, and we cannot help hoping that there are many who in memory of beloved ones passed away would wish to do a like honour to their memory and a like public service to the nation. For, indeed, quite apart from securing the Roman camp, to prevent lodging-houses sr villas being built on that Windermere foreshore to the destruction of the charm. of the meadow land with its noble background of Loughrigg and the Fairfield range, is doing a national service for all future time We entirely agree with the letter of Sir James Scott in your issue of August 3rd as to the need of great vigilance and swift action, if the places of beauty and interest in our country are to be saved to posterity, and whilst not wishing to see any slackening of the interest of those who, with public-spirited zeal, will subscribe to the purchase of important pictures for the nation, we feel that to prevent a beautiful scene, such as the head of Windermere, being spoiled by building is a simple duty cast upon all lovers of their native land. —We are, Sir, &c., H. D. RAWNSLIIY,

Ron. Secretary National Trust.

Crosthwaite Vicarage, Keswick.

25 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.


Secretary National Trust.