10 AUGUST 1912, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR Os THE " SFECTATOH."] &a, Today the holiday season commences with full vigour, and numbers of London and suburban houses will be closed for the next two months. As a consequence the very necessary shelters provided by "Our Dumb Friends' League" for homeless and not wanted cats will be taxed to their utmost, and the drain upon our Cats' Shelter Fund will be enormous. The sufferings of cats turned away from happy, comfortable homes where they have been caressed and petted is intense, and our Shelters must be prepared to deal humanely with the thousands of homeless cats which will be brought, many suffering from disease, starvation, and some- times wilful torture. None will be refused if we can only keep our Shelters open, but we seek funds to enable us to do so. There are many sympathizers who realize that the cat needs equal pro- tection with other animals, and those who have neither love nor sympathy for the feline tribe will perhaps contribute to enable us humanely to dispose of the many unhealthy cats which in our streets and squares are frequently the cause of disturbed rest.

Annual subscriptions and donations should be sent to me at the Head Offices of " Our Dumb Friends' League," 58 Victoria Street,