10 AUGUST 1918, Page 3

The prosecution of the war could not by any , flight

of fancy be aided by a General Election, whereas an election might involve the Government in all kinds of pledges which would distract their attention or tie their hands. For Instance, if Mr. Lloyd, George secured a good majority, as we think he very likely would, he would probably hold himself bound to bring the Montagu Report on India into operation. On the other hand, he might feel himself excused from doing anything definite as to the application of Conscription to Ireland. He might be said to be released from his Irish pledges, whereas at present those pledges nominally stand, and we need not altogether abandon hope of a more fruitful policy. Again, if a Lloyd George programme and nothing else were placed before the country, the electors would be utterly bewildered. They would want to know if there was an alternative, and if so, what it was. Where is Unionism ? What is Unionism to-day ? If there is. really to be a General Election, it is essential that the Unionist leaders should make a declaration of policy. At present we do net know whether they have °eased to be Unionise} or net.