10 AUGUST 1951, Page 4


HAVE always been interested in academic-institutions which grant diplomas and degrees of various kinds to persons who crave for such things and succeed in satisfying the usually not very exacting demands of the examiners. It consequently gives me pleasure to learn for the first time of the existence of the " Nazarene College and the College of Spiritual Science and School of Psychology and Psychotherapy (1942-1950)," the Prin- cipal of which is the Rev. Dr. Charles D. Boltwood, D.D., D.Sc., Ps.D., Ms.D., Fellow of the Emerson University Research Council and Professor of the College of the Ned. Genootschap Voor Toegapaste Psychologie. The institution is abundantly chartered. The College of Spiritual Science was founded on May 5th, 1942, by Charles Dennis Boltwood, Vice-President of the Universal Group of Institutions, and " the authority invested in the Memorandum of Association of the Incorporated, Registered No. 35902, was used to provide its first Charter." Charter No. 2 was granted in 1950 by the International Academy, an organisation fir from unfamiliar to readers of this column, and, such virtue is there in trinity, and so inadequate is duality, that as recently as May 1st, 1951, " the Archbishop, the Rev. William Hall, D.D., LL.D., of the Free Protestant Episcopal Church of England," obligingly came along with a third Charter. And there may be more by this time, for all. I know, for the Rev. Dr. Boltwood is evidently of those-whom unchartered free- dom tires. But of all this, and the degrees you may win and the gowns and hoods you may wear, more anon.