10 DECEMBER 1831, Page 6

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Tim KING AND Els COU1LT.—Their Majesties left Brighton at nine on Monday, and arrived in town at two o'clock. At three, there was a Court, at which his Majesty gave audiences to his Ministers ; and after the Court, a Privy Council, at which the Speech to be delivered at the opening of Parliament was considered and approved. On Tuesday, his Ma- jesty left the Palace, for the purpose of epeniing Parliament, a few minutes before two o'clock—the Court newsman, with commendable exactness, says eight minutes. The lowness of the seat in the venerable and vulgar vehicle called the state-coach, renders it not very easy to pronounce on the appearance of those that occupy it : to most eyes, his Majesty appeared to look.uncommonly well. In the House, one set of reporters describe him as apparently vigorous ; others, as mounting the Throne with a feeble step. We do not pretend to reconcile these irreconcilable description. They may have partly arisen from the position in which the reporters 'are placed, by being perched in a gallery, instead of standing on the floor of the House. We had not the pleasure of seeing his Majesty on this occasion; we cannot therefore give our own testimony on the one side or the other. The King wore an Admiral's uniform, and the ribbon and badge of the Garter. He read his very excellent speech well, and with becoming emphasis. We need hardly say, he was heartily cheered, going and returning ; that is a point too decided to admit of any discrepancy in the various reports of the ceremony. On Wednesday, his Majesty held a Court for the purpose of receiving the address of the House of Peers ; which was brought up by the Lord Chancellor, accompanied by the Earl of Camperdown and Lord Lyttleton (the mover and seconder), the Duke of Norfolk, and the Bishops of Chichester and Kilialoe, His IVIajesty received the address in the usual form, on the *Throne. At the same court, the Judges of the new Bankruptcy Court were introduced, and kissed bands ; and in a Council which succeeded, Mr. Erskine, the Chief Judge, was sworn in a member of the Privy Council. The Ad. dress of the Commons was carried up on Thursday ; on which day also a Court was held for the purpose. About forty members accompanied the Speaker.