10 DECEMBER 1836, Page 6

The Dublin Liberals arc exerting themselves to regain their supe-

riority:on the register. The Dublin correspondent of the Courier says- " Committees will be immediately formed in each of the metropolitan dis- tricts, in which they had not a previous existence : these will act in conjunc- tion with each other; and not only will the form of circulars he adopted in those cases in which individuals, possessing the qualification and known to be identified with the Liberal party, have abstained from registeriln their votes, but influential individuals will wait upon them for the purpo‘e of stimulating them to do their political deroir. A number of persons having made the diffi- culty of paying their taxes, in consequence of limited aneans, a pretext fur ab- senting themselves from the Registry Court, that pretext will be now re- moved ; for the amount will be advanced by some individuals who have pledged themselves to that effect, to be repaid within a certain time, and in a perfectly legal shape. Thus a speedy prospect is held out of developing the great avail- able resources of the Liberal party in the Irish metropolis, and crowding the Registry Court with such glorious ma:orities as will completely dissipate the effect (should the Orange Corporation again resort to it) of the base subterfuge of creating pennyless, ragged, and utterly disqualified freemen." The Earl of Granard gives his active support to the popular cause in Longford. This decides a contest, the result of which indeed, was at no time questionable.—Dublin Freeman. On Tuesday, Judge Crampton gave judgment in the case of the Ballymore-Eustace Commons objections, by admitting the vote of Doyle, which establishes the general right. The Reformers of Dublin County gain nearly a hundred votes by this decision.—Dublin Evening Post.

The Venerable Tommy Magee, in defiance of Archbishop Whateley, has announced in a letter to his Grace's chaplain, that controversial sermons—some of them against the Education Board—shall be preached from his pulpit of St. John's Cbure.h by five clergymen unlicensed in the diocese of Dublin.