10 DECEMBER 1836, Page 8


SATURDAY NIGHT. THE accounts from Paris to day rather confirm the report of disasters to the French army in Africa. It was rumoured on Wednesday morn- ing, that the French cannonaded the city of Constantine on the 22d of November ; but being unable to effect a breach in the walls, and their provisions growing short, were compelled to retreat. A Council of Ministers was held ; and after it broke up, the official persons were in- structed to declare that the news from Africa was favourable ; but the Ministerial paper, the Charte, whose columns were expected to contain a distinct contradiction of the rumours, merely gave an old despatch from CLAUSEL, of the 13th of November,—tbere being accounts in Paris from Bona dated as late as the ti8th. In this despatch CLAUSEL said that he anticipated no resistance; and its publication was probably intended to justify Ministers, in case his defeat bad actually taken place, and he should complain of the insufficiency of his force.

The feeling in Paris was against the continuance of the Ministry. The opposition of THIERS, assisted as be will be by the Tiers- Parti, was expected to be very formidable ; and the retuz, if SOULT to office was anticipated by many. The bad news from Africa undoubtedly gave rise to these sinister rumours and impressions. Great distress prevails among the workmen of Lyons. It is said that 100,000 persons are out of employ and in want of food.