10 DECEMBER 1842, Page 18



Ou the 6th June, the Ladyof JAMES WINTER, Esq., of Ellerslie, Van Diemen's Land, formerly of Sheuley Hill. Herts. of a son. On the 26th November, at Holmes House, Ayrshire, the Lady of James FAIRLIE, Esq., of Holmes. of a daughter. Ou the 27th, at Bendeleben. (in Prussia,) the seat of the Baron Von Bendeleben Tjekermanu, the Lady of ARTHITR Bxemsroao awes r. Esq.. of a daughter.

Ou the 30th, at Morris Hall, North Durham, the Wife of THOMAS Hoomow. Esq., et a son.

On the 1st December, at Sheffield, the Lady of Captaiu F. Sorrow, Eleventh Hassan, of a daughter.

On the 2d, at Coizium. Kilsyth. N.B., the Lady of Captain Eomosszows, of a daughter. On the 2d, in Somerset Street, Portman Square, the Lady of Dr. HARRIS HOBNOBS, of a daughter.

On the 3d. in Montagu Street. the Lady of MELVIN WILSON, Esq., of a son. On the 4th, in Wilton Crescent. Lady CAROLINE LASCELLES, of a son. On the 4th. at Walton. Lady MORDAUNT. of a son. On the 6th, in Stamford Street, the Wife of the Rev. JAMES Loprow, of a son. At a Cottage on Penygraig Farm, near Tregaroo, Wales, the Wife of DAVID Ions, miner, of four male children, who appeared to be healthy and strong, but all died the following day.


On the 29th November, at Walthamstow, Emma Jowl's, Esq., of Saffron Walden, to Maar. Widow of the late Lewis Ascent, Esq., of the same place.

On the 1st December. at Spauish Place, and afterwards at Marylebone Church, W. J. ATTENBRITW, Esq.. of Upper George Street, Portman Square, to Resent. daughter of the late JAMES Crtaaororr, Esq., of Hexham. Northumberland. On the 3d, at St. Mary's Paddington, WILLIAM CHEESWRIGHT, Esq., to Caaownz, eldest daughter of the Rev. JOSEPH Sroams. On the 6th, at Hanslope, the Rev. Auousros PYRE. B.A., formerly of Caius College, Cambridge, to Louisa ROSA, youngest daughter of W. Wiens, Esq., of Hanslope Park, Bucks. Ou the Stli, at Narborough, Norfolk, James Boar. eldest son of JAMES Cant., Esq., of Fitzroy Square, to Groalwirs, third daughter of CHARLES Fasssrr Buarrwrr, Esq., of Narlsorough Hall and Park Crescent.


On the 251h July last, of cholera, in the expedition off Chin-keang-foo. Lieutenant Gliturtoe WE1B,of her Ma:esty's Forty ninth Regiment, eldest son of Johu C. Weir, Esq., of Clifton; iu his 22d year.

On the 13th October, at Cawnpore, WILLIAM RICHARD KENNAWAY, Esq., Judge of the Civil Court of Fuitypore, fourth son of the late Sir John Kennaway, Bart.; in his 37th year.

On the 23d November. at his father's house at Ferrybridge, Yorkshire, the Rev. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, B.D., Chaplain of Sherburn Hospital, Durham, and Fellow of Magdalen College, iu the University of Oxford; in his ald year. On the 24th, at Dunfermline, Captain Nerstswisz Afrrcurtr., R.N.. second son of the late Admiral Sir Andrew Mitchell, K.B.

On the 28th. at Boulogne-sur•Mer, Gooses Haerwxtt, Esq., late of Lalehant, Mid- dlesex; in his 92.1 year.

Ou the 301.4, in Upper Moutagu Street. ROBERT PoWSII, Esq., of Clashnore Houle, Clashmore. County of Waterford, Ireland.

On the 3d December, in Portland Place, the Right Hon. the Countess of MONSTER. Oa the 3d, at his residence. apothem, York. the Rev. Lowermost Man. A.M.. Pre- bendary of York Cathedral, Vicar of Paull, and one of her Mamsty's Justices of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant for the West Riding of Yorkshire ; in his 76th year. Ou the 3d, at Bishopwearmouth, La .y PEAT, Widow of the Rev. Sir Hubert Pest. Chaplain to King George the Fourth; in leer 911th year.

On the 3d, at Oak Hill, Stafford, the Rev. Criaatxs Renselutt CaulLsw000; in his 72d year.

On the 3d. Mrs. Cameros, of Booth Street, Spitalflelds; in her 90th year. On the 4th, at his house in Bedford Square, PEREGRINE DEALTRY, Esq.. Master of the Crown-office. On the 5th, at Sapney. the Rev. Evart JAMES, upwards of 27 years Curate of that parish; in his 52d year. On the 5:h, in Hampshire, Lady BAYNES, Relict of the late Sir Christopher Baynes, Bart., of Harefleld Place, Middlesex. On the 8th, of apoplexy, at his residence in Hyde Park Gardens. FRANCIS Arrraoxr Moms, Esq., second sun of Charles Morris. Esq., of Portmau Square; in his 50th year. At his seat. aellamout Forest, Couuty Cavan, in Ireland, CHARLES Coors, hsq., Deputy •Lieuteuant of the county; in his b2d year. In Ennis, WILLIAM GREENE. Esq. No man was better known ; his extraordinary size attracted universal attention, as be was admitted to be the largest and hens hut man of his time.

At Stewartatuwn. aunty Tyrone, Carozarim REYNOLDS; in her 103d year. Within the last three years she was able to read small print without spectacles.