10 DECEMBER 1842, Page 6


There appear to have been two arrivals from India and China ; the ordinary overland mail, and the Company's steam frigate Auckland, which was despatched by Sir Henry Pottinger from Nankin, on the 16th September, to announce the Emperor's ratification of the Nankin treaty. The Emperor refused, however, from a point of etiquette, to sign it before the Queen of England. The papers say that the half of the first instalment had been paid. The Auckland arrived at Galle, in Ceylon, on the 16th October ; sailed afain next day ; and the Colombo Observer of the 22d gives a somewhat different version of the intelligence from China-

" The intelligence by the Auckland is, that the Emperor's written assent has been given to the treaty, with a trifling alteration in details.

The first and second instalments had been paid ; and money appeared to be plentiful, from the ready manner in which the Chinese had come forward with the cash.

" The whole of the native troops are to be withdrawn from Chusan forthwith, and the island to be garrisoned by two regiments of European infantry, till the third instalment is paid up, for which the Emperor has two years allowed him to pay it in ; after which period, he will be charged five per cent until he does pay it, while the troops will continue in possession. " Major Malcolm (who was the bearer of the despatches) will remain in England but a few days, when be will return with the Queen's approbation of the terms of the treaty. The Auckland will wait his return at Suez. " Sickness prevailed to a very great extent both among the European seamen and soldiers ; and they rejoiced at the prospect of leaving so unhealthy a cli- mate."

The chief interest of the proceedings in India attaches to the com- plete recovery of the prisoners, not excepting Captain Bygrave. By the last mail we learned that Sir Richmond Sbakspeare had been sent at the head of 700 Kuzzilbasbes to Bameean, whither the bulk of the pri- soners had been removed by order of Akhbar Khan. Sir Richmond was fortified with the sum of 10,000 rupees. He was sent on the 15th of September, in consequence of the intimation that the prisoners had made arrangements for their escape ; and on the 19th, Sir Robert Sale was despatched to counteract any attempt that might be made to in- tercept the party. The narrative of their escape is given by one of the prisoners ; whose letter is published in the Delhi Gazette, and more con- cisely in the following abridgment- " On the 25th of August, or when General Pollock's advance was made known at Cabal, the whole of the prisoners, soldiers as well as officers and ladies, with the exception of those who bad remained at Cabal and been liberated on the arrival of General Pollock, were despatched to Bameean under an escort of in- fantry. By the way, offers of a lac of rupees were made to the cominander of the party to desert with them to General Nott'e force, which was known to be near Ghuznee. The danger was, however, apparently too great, or the chance of success too small, for the Afghan to listen to the proposal ; and the party reached Bameean in safety, but in dreadful anxiety as to their eventual fate ; Akhbar Khali. having openly threatened all with slavery in Turkistan in the event of the British troops moving on the capital. The news of the fall of Ghuznee reached the sufferers on the 10th of September, and must have had a great effect on the chief with whom they were. The commandant who bad accompanied them from Cabal requested a con- ference; and, laying before them an order from Akhbar Khan for their in- stant march to Kooloom, informed them that he had been assured of 20,000 rupees and 1,000 rupees per month as a pension, by Moonshee Mohunlall, if he would take them into Cabul. This was instantly guaranteed by the officers acting as a committee for all the ladies and officers there ; and a paper was signed by all, pledging themselves to the payment. It seems to have been a matter involving life and death—a desperate but a successful alternative, to which there providentially occurred no hindrance. Having committed himself irretrievably with Akhbar Khan, the commandant, Shah hlahomed, hoisted his own flag on the fort; levied a contribution on a cafila from Turkistan to pay his men ; deposed the Governor of the place; and set about preparations for defence of the post, in case Akhbar Khan, defeated at Cabal, should come to Bameean. The officers and ladies were in one fort and the soldiers in another ; and on the 15th, the chiefs in the neighbourhood having given every assistance and tendered allegiance, some of the officers went into the soldier's fort, and com- menced its repair for defence. That day, however, came the joyful news of Akhbar Khan's defeat at Tezeen; and with one accord the whole party deter- mined on taking advantage of the panic and forcing their way to Cabul. On the nest day, Bameean was ten miles behind ; all being well and in high spirits : the next, a mountain-ridge 13,000 feet high was crossed ; and near the village of Karzar the gallant party were met by Sir Richmond Shakspeare and his cavalry, and were safe. " Two days after that, their glad eyes rested once more on the British uniform and colours; and Sir Robert Sale, with a thousand cavalry and a thousand in- fantry with two guns, had insured their freedom. Though Sultan Jan's force had hovered near Sir Richmond and his party, they had not dared to at- tack it, and Sir Robert Sale's advance precluded any possibility of an attempt on it. On the 21st, therefore, under welcome of one of the most joyous royal salutes that ever was fired, the captives entered General Pollock's camp, and once more breathed the air of freedom."

The number of the prisoners was 109 ; including 31 officers, 9 ladies, 12 children, 51 European soldiers, 2 clerks, 4 women. The following is the official list of the officers and ladies-

Major-General Shelton, her Majesty's Forty-fourth Foot. Lieutenant-Colonel Palmer, Twenty-seventh B. N. I.

Major Griffiths, Thirty-seventh B. N. L Captains—Boyd, Commissariat; Johnson, Commissariat Shah Soojah's Twenty-sixth N. L ; Barnett, Fifty-fourth N. I. ; Flouter, her Majesty's Forty- fourth Foot ; Waller, B. H. A. ; Alston, Twenty-seventh N. L; Poett, Twenty- seventh N. I.; Walsh, Fifty-second M. N. L; Drummond, Third B. L. C. Lieutenants—Eyre, B. A. ; Aire'', her Majesty's Third Buffs; Warburton, B. A. S. S. F. ; Webb, Thirty-eighth M. N. L S. S. F.: Crawford, B. Third N. I. S. S. F. ; Mein, her Majesty's Thirteenth L. I. ; Harris, Twenty-seventh B. N. I.; Melville, Fifty-fourth B. N. I.; Evans, her Majesty's Forty-fourth Foot.

Ensigns—Haughton, Thirty-first B. N. L ; Williams, Twenty-seventh B. N. L; Nicholson, Twenty-seventh B. N. L Conductor Ryley, Ordnance Commissariat.

Surgeon Magrath. Assistant-Surgeons Berwick and Thompson.

Ladies—Ladies Macneghten and Sale ; Mrs. Start and one child ; Mrs. Mainwaring, one child ; Mrs. Boyd, three children ; Mrs. Eyre, one child ; Mrs. Waller, two children; Conductor Ryley's wife, three children • Private Bourne's (Thirteenth L. I.) wife; wife of Sergeant Wade. [The 'Sergeant himself was among the saved.] Major Pottinger, B. A. ; Captain Lawrence, Eleventh L. C.; — Mac- kenzie, Forty-eighth M. N. F.; Mr. Fallon and Mr. Blewitt, clerks, not in the service.

Colonel Palmer and four officers of the Twenty-seventh, who are in- cluded in the foregoing list, were taken at Ghuznee. Captain Byg ave and Captain Troup were with Akhbar Khan at the battle of the Tezeen valley : Captain Troup contrived to escape, but the chief carried Cap- tain Bygrave with him in his flight. On learning, however, that all the other prisoners had been surrendered to the British authorities, he came to the resolution of sending in Captain Bygrave also. The Cap- tain was allowed to join General Pollock's camp on taking a letter from Akhbar Khan to the British General ; and he arrived on the 27th Sep- tember. That letter is stated merely to contain an inquiry as to what the British intended to do with his father and his family. It is asserted that Akhbar had lost all his influence with the Afghans ; particularly since he had refused to place himself at their head during the battle of Tezeen, although called upon to do so. There was a report that Akhbar Khan had been put to death, with Ameen Oola Khan, his friend and adviser ; but it wants confirmation.

The number of skeletons of the slaughtered prisoners which had been found and interred did not exceed 400 or 500. From this comparatively small number, it is believed that the massacre was in reality far less ex- tensive than had hitherto been supposed. One writer estimates the number of men who have already returned to India at 8,000, and states that 4,000 to 6,000 are believed to be still in existence, scattered among the hills and villages of Afghanistan. " Nor does this appear an ex- aggerated view ; for as many as 1,200 Sepoys, camp-followers, &c. who formerly belonged to our army, were found in a state of utter destitu- tion soliciting charity in the streets of Cabal; and there is every reason to suppose that in other places considerable numbers may still exist." On the arrival of General Nott's division at Cabal, the resolution adopted by the British Government to destroy all the Afghan strong- holds was carried into execution. A corps of about 4,000 men was sent to demolish the strong forts of Istalif and Chareekar ; and their pro- ceedings are described in a despatch by the General. On the 29th September, General M'Caskill and Brigadiers Tulloch and Stacy, who commanded this force, were met by a strong body of Afghans, led on by Ameen Oola and sixteen of their most determined chiefs, who sought to defend Istalif. This town consisted of masses of houses built on the slope of a mountain, in the rear of which were lofty eminences shutting in a defile leading to Turkistan. The number of its inhabitants ex- ceeded 15,000 ; who, from their defences and the difficulties of approach, considered their position unassailable. The great part of the plunder seized last January from the British was placed there, and the chiefs kept their wives and families in it, and many also of those who had escaped from Cabul had sought refuge there. The British troops soon made themselves masters of the town, driving the enemy before them with considerable slaughter. Two brass field-pieces were taken. The loss to the Victors consisted of one officer (Lieutenant Evans, of her Ma- jesty's Forty-first Regiment) killed, and four wounded. The demo- lition of the forts was immediately begun. The expedition, after the destruction of Chareekar, was expected to return immediately to CabuL The destruction of the fortifications at Cahill, including the Bala Hisser, and at Jellalabad, had been ordered.

During the performance of the ceremonies on the entrance of the British troops in Cabal, Futteh Jung attempted to place himself on the throne • but it was supposed that he would be unable to hold it, and that he would retreat to India and a pension.

It is said that the Sikhs intended to retain possession of the Khyber Pass. Their plundering, pretty freely indulged, had much incensed the Afghans. The Bombay troops under General England had dismantled and abandoned Quetta, and retired to the banks of the Indus. The moun- taineers had attacked some of the stragglers in the Bolan Pass; and killed Assistant-Surgeon Brickwell, who, from indisposition, was travel- ling in a litter, and did not keep up with the main body.

The Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief were expected to leave Simla about the end of October, to meet the "army of reserve," which was to assemble at Pinjar, a small valley and town about thirty miles from Sirhind.

Great preparations were making at Lahore for a visit which the Governor-General of India was about to make to Maharaja Shere Singh. In a special proclamation, the Governor-General had ordered that Mr. Clerk, who had done signal service as Political Agent at Umballa, should be appointed Envoy at the Court of Lahore, with the title of "Excellency." The Sikh leader, Zorawar Singh, who had been defeated in his invasion of the Chinese territory of Thibet, had contrived to involve his Govern- ment in his manceuvres ; and it is said that it would require some management to settle the matters in dispute between the old British allies the Sikhs, and our new one, the Emperor of China.

The Governor-General has published several other proclamations ; and among them are those which confer honours and medals, &c. on the regiments employed at Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabal, &c. The first article of one announces that-

" All the general officers, officers, non-commissioned officers, and private., serving under the command of Major-General Pollock, of Major-General Nott, and of Major-General England, between Attock and All Mutgitl, and in

and above the Khyber Pass, and in and above the Bolan Pass, on the 8th Sep- tember, shall receive a donation of six mouths' hafts, payable on the 1st January 1843."

Similar favours had been conferred on the victorious forces in China. A general order requests Sir Hugh Gough to furnish the Governor- General with a list of officers and men, to each of whom would be dis- tributed " a silver medal, bearing on one side the head of her Majesty, with the superscription • Paz Alike victoria restituta,' and the figures ' 1842' underneath, and on the reverse a dragon wearing an imperial

crown." He had also addressed a circular letter to the several chaplains in the upper provinces, requesting them to offer up prayers of thanks- giving for the seasonable supply of rain, " whereby the people of the North-western provinces have been relieved from the fear of impending famine "; and also for our recent successes in Afghanistan, " whereby the hope of honourable and secure peace is held out to India." A Court-martial, it is said, would be holden on General Shelton and Colonel Palmer, and four other officers, on their return to India.

Some puzzlement has been caused in military people's minds by the appointment of the Marquis of Tweeddale to the command of the Madras army, to which Sir Hugh Gough had been nominated: but the fact is, that Sir Hugh is to be appointed Commander-in-Chief in India as soon as the termination of the China war shall be known at home ; and it is, we believe, quite a settled thing that Lord Tweeddale will be nominated provisional Governor-General (probably the next mail will bring it out) ; but we have reason to feel assured that Lord Ellen- borough will not leave India before the cold season of 1844, by which time his Lordship expects to do a great deal for the country.—Calcutta Englishman, Oct. 13.

The news of the ratification by the Chinese Emperor of the treaty of peace had reached India, and contributed to the general satisfaction. Trade was beginning to experience the results of the general activity. The experiments of the American cotton-planters in Bengal bad failed. Their failure is ascribed to the unfavourable nature of the cli- mate in Bandelcand and the withering hot wind which prevails there. Still they do not despair of being able to find suitable locations where these disadvantages do not prevail. The indigenous cotton appears to thrive better than the American, as being more suited to the climate.

The burning of merchant-ships continued. The Jessy was consumed at Calcutta, and the Belvidere at Singapore.

The Morning Chronicle has contrived a new charge against Lord Ellenborough this week, that of contemplating the abandonment of the prisoners in Cabal-

" The proclamation, ordering the troops to retire, is dated 1st October. The first general order, announcing the release of part of the prisoners is dated Oc- tober seven—six days afterwards; and the second general order, announcing the restoration of all the prisoners, is dated sixteen days afterwards, that is, on the 17th; in each case the Governor-General communicating information which bad just reached him. Is the proof complete 1' Is it necessary to strengthen it, by calling to mind that when Lord Ellenborough issued his proclamation it was impossible that he could have known Mat the prisoners were released."

The Morning Herald and a correspondent of the Morning Post reply. The Herald combats the Chronicle with dates. The general order announcing the release of the prisoners, except Captain Bygrave, is dated October five, not seven. The Herald thinks that Lord Ellen- borough antedated the proclamation, "Simla, 1st October 1842," by way of antithesis to Lord Auckland's declaration of war, dated Simla, 1st Oc- tober 1838 ; for the order of 5th October was in public circulation before the proclamation of 1st October. And a general order of 30th September announces, that "the report of General Pollock leads the Governor- General to expect, that long before this day all the British prisoners taken by the Afghans will have been brought into the General's camp." The Herald proceeds to show, from a calculation of time and distance, that Lord Ellenborough might have beard of the actual arrival of the prisoners before the proclamation appeared in the Government Gazette. The Chronicle rejoins. It recurs to the old charge, that Lord Ellen- borough ordered the retreat so early as March. A notification by Lord Ellenborough, dated 20th October, cites the order dated in some versions oa the fifth as being dated on the seventh. Lord Ellenborough's know- ing the release of the prisoners on the 5th does not show that he knew it on the 1st. The expectation intimated, in the order of the 30th Sep- tember, was nearly defeated by the force under Sultan Jan, which was only two hours behind in the pursuit of the fugitives. If it was worth while to make known the arrival of the prisoners with extraordinary despatch, the Governor-General would have thought it unworthy of notice in his proclamation. Besides, Captain Bygrave did not reach General Pollock's camp till the 27th September : "bat," says the Chronicle," we suppose we shall be told that Captain Bygrave was only [It will be observed that the proclamation of 1st October says that the Governor-General was led to expect that "all the British prisoners" would have returned. The proclamation announces that the troops would be withdrawn : it contains no intimation that they would be withdrawn without waiting for the prisoners.] We cull here and there remarks and reports respecting the com- mercial effects of the recent news from China-

" The monthly circular of Messrs. Ferguson and Taylor, of Manchester, states, that with the commencement of the past month of November a better feeling began to manifest itself in the Manchester market, and that a rather large business was done ; prices continuing, however, at the lowest point, though stocks were considerably lightened. The accounts published of what was the immediate effect of the news from India and China, as felt in the chief manufacturing locality of the kingdom, would appear to have been but little overcharged. The circular says, in allusion to it—' On the arrival of the extra- ordinary mail, our spinners and manufacturers were taken by surprise, and great excitement prevailed. For a day or two, the bulk of sellers refused to take orders, and the demands of some were exorbitant. Things, however, have now cooled down, and we may mention that a good business is being done at advanced rates.' An admonitory hint is given in the circular, to which the mercantile community will do well to attend. It is to be hoped,' say the writers, ' that the news which hasgiven this pleasing change to the features of our market may not hurry parties into wild speculation, and lead to a reaction fall of injury to themselves and the trade. It would certainly be pruden- tial to await further advice. as to the wants of the countries where the outlet for our manufactures is expected to lie, and regulate the supply ac- cordingly, rather than count upon an El Dorado, and overflow it with goods beyond the limits of its demands or its means of productive returns. At present, the advances obtained in this market are not above what ought to be' expected ; and it would he impolitic if manufacturers, taking advantage of their position and the stimulus of speculation, were to check a healthy trade by ex- orbitaney in their demands.' It appears, that the demand for the home trade, especially from the rural districts, a point not to be overlooked, is encouraging, while all that seems to be desired as regards the foreign, is that it should be regulated by a spirit of moderation; since, to be really beneficial to the public at large, the improvement should be gradual and permanent, which is however still anticipated as likely to characterize the commencement of the new year." —Morning Post.

"The market on Tuesday was perfectly firm, with some advance in the prices of shirtings, and of such descriptions of yarn as are suitable for the East India and China markets; but there was not quite so much demand fur printing- cloths, the prices of which remain stationary. The stocks of nearly all de- scriptions of goods and yarn continue extremely low ; and most of the spinners and manufacturers, especially the latter, are still working to order."—Manchester Guardian.

" The news from China and India has had rather a stirring effect upon the trade of Bolton. Counterpanes have an improved sale, but little advance has been effected in prices. Fine muslin., quiltiogs, and power-loom cloths, main- tain a fair sale, and figured cloths have received some advance in price. Im- mediately on the receipt of the intelligence of the successes in the East, cotton- yarns advanced a farthing per pound, and very large sales have been made at the advanced price. Some traders, however, less sanguine than others in their expectations, refused to give higher prices : the advance, therefore, cannot as yet be considered general. Foundries have shared the general improvement, and several firma are now employing a greater number of hands, as well as working longer time, than theyhave done for some months past."—Afonchester and Salford Advertiser. "We are happy to find that the good news from India and China has bad the effect of reanimating the serge .manufactories in Devon, which have been drooping for some time past. The extensive factories for this article at Ashburton and neighbourhood have been set upon full work this week ; and we are informed that the inhabitants seem inspired with new life at the prospect of a revival of the exportation-trade to the East."—Plymouth Times.

"As one of many instances of the improvement of business in Glasgow, a gentleman informs us, that when there on Tuesday, he saw one house, where little business had been done for months, close a single transaction of 10,0001. in power-loom goods for the China market ; and these having still to go through the printing process at home, will yet afford some work. to Glasgow hands."—Ayr Advertiser.

There are signs of an approaching change of the Sugar-duties Among the documents communicated to the Legislature of Jamaica shortly after the opening of the session on the 26th October, was a de- spatch from Lord Stanley on the reduction of the coffee and sugar duties. He says-

" It may be reasonably hoped, that the reduction of the duty on the coffee of Jamaica and the other Colonies from 6d. to 4d. per pound will tend to en-

courage its cultivation there; and although the duty on foreign coffee is pro-

posed to be lowered to 8d. per pound, yet this rate of duty will give to Colonial coffee a larger protection than is afforded by the existing law, under which the duty on Foreign coffee, (in consequence of the power of importing it at a reduced duty and at a comparatively trifling expense throtigh the Cape of Good Hope,) is only 9d. per pound. " In abstaining from proposing any alteration on the sugar-duties, her Ma- jesty's Government have been mainly influenced by the present circumstances of the West Indies in reference to the recent abolition of slavery, and by the apprehension lest, by stimulating the production of sugar in countries in which slavery continues to exist, the evils of slavery in those countries should be . aggravated and the trade in slaves encouraged."

The planters of the principal West India colpny recede from their opposition to all change. In the House of AsseObly, on the 2d Novem-

ber, a Committee was appointed to memorialize the Queen " not to give her Majesty's sanction to the admission of foreign sugar to the home consumption without establishing such a differential duty as will give due protection and encouragement to the sugar-growers of the British West India Colonies."

The Morning Post quotes from the Manchester Guardian, a journal, well informed on commercial subjects, the following statement respect- ing the new treaty with Brazil, and the alteration of the duties on Foreign and colonial sugars-

" We have reason to believe that the leading provisions of a new commercial treaty with the Brazils have been arranged, and that there is now no serious difficulty in the way of a satisfactory arrangement of all the points in dispate. It is stated, that the duty proposed to be levied on Brazilian sugar is 30s. per hundredweight, whilst that on the produce of the British Plantations and the East Indies is to be reduced to 16s.; the present duties being, as most of oar readers are no doubt aware, 63s. and 24s. We imagine that this change, if car- . ried into effect, will prove highly satisfactory, and will very considerably reduce the price of sugar to the consumer. There is another point of view in chink a

treaty, admitting the sugar of Brazil to consumption in this country, is very important at this time—namely, its probable effect upon the Spanish Govern- ment, with which negotiations for a commercial treaty are now proceeding. The sugar-planters of the island of Cuba are now in a state of great distress and

difficulty, from the want of an adequate demand for their produce; and they have long had their eyes fixed upon the English market, as the only one from

which any material relief could be expected. If the sugar of Brazil should be admitted into and theirs continue to be excluded from this country, they will raise a loud clamour for such a treaty between Spain and England as will secure for them the privilege which they so earnestly desire ; and with their assistance, the Government will most probably be able to overcome the opposition of the Catalan manufacturers, which at present prevents the conclusion of a com- mercial treaty."

The Shrewsbury Chronicle says that Lord Hill, who is staying at Hardwick, and who had recovered from the illness which attacked him in London, has suffered a relapse.

The public will be rejoiced to find, that the omission of Sir Robert Sale's name in the honorary distinctions granted to the heroes of our late achievements in India proceeds in no degree from a desire to under- rate the merits of that gallant officer. Sir Robert Sale very recently received the Grand Cross of the Bath for his noble defence of Jellala- bad, and:other eminent services on the North-west frontier of India ; and it was therefore impossible to give him the same distinction which has been conferred on General Pollock, General Nott, and Sir William Parker : but it has been notified to the Governor-General of India, in compliance with his recommendation, that it will be proposed to ?Arlie-

meat to grant to Sir Robert and Lady Sale, with the benefit of survivor- ship, an annual pension of 5001. as a special public recognition of signal merit.— Times.

The Cambrian says that Lady Sale is a native of Glamorganshire, and spent the earlier part of her life at Clemenstone House, near Brid- gend; in which neighbourhood she is well remembered as " the ami- able and benevolent Miss Wynch."

We have heard it stated on authority on which we can rely, that a surgeon to one of the principal London hospitals has been applied to to receive a young Chinese into his house to teach him the art and mystery of surgery.—Globe.

The Levant mail brings intelligence from Constantinople to the 17th November. The Persian Government had accepted the joint media- tion of England and Russia, and the views and disposition of the Shah continued to be most pacific. The late news from China and Afghan- istan had, it is said, completely changed the tone of the Turkish autho- rities with respect to Great Britain, and had considerably increased British influence in the capital.

Letters from Beyrout, of the 17th October, announce that a serious affray had taken place at Ehden. A detachment of troops, accompa- nied by Halil Halresh, having proceeded to Tibbet Bisherrai to seize the Emir Abdullah, were driven back to Tripoli, with the loss of forty men. Meanwhile, the Christians of Hamdoun and the Druses of Betela cut to pieces the Turks posted at Khan Hussein. The entire of the Meten had risen ; the communication between Beyrout and Damascus had been cut off; and the Government post-horses, as far as the Merge, had been seized. The East India Company's courier proceeded as far as Khan Hussein ; but, seeing a number of dead bodies, and finding the Government post stopped, he returned he was to start again on the following day.

The accounts from Barcelona, received in Paris on Wednesday, come down to five o'clock on the afternoon of the 2d instant. The Regent, who had his head-quarters at Sarrio, had not yet entered the city, nor had he admitted to an audience any of the deputations sent to him by the revolters. They required that the National Gaurds should preserve their arms and their present organization ; that the garrison should be changed ; and that the Captain-General, the Political-Chief, and other authorities, should be superseded in their posts. Nothing but an un- conditional surrender would satisfy the Regent ; who had notified to the inhabitants, that if this injunction were not complied with in the course of that evening, the bombardment would commence on the morning of the 3d. The gates of Barcelona were opened by an order of the Junta of Government, dated on the 30th, for all persons except armed men and soldiers. The leaders of the Republican party and their immediate adherents had nearly all decamped, to the number of 150, in a French steamer which carried them to Port Vendres. Others, who had fled to Perpignan in fear of the insurrection, had returned.

A letter in the Morning Post, dated Perpignan, 3d December, says- " Accounts which have this moment arrived here would seem to confirm, almost beyond a doubt, the report of the presence of Generals O'Don- nell, Pavia, and Concha, on board a French steamer in the port of Barcelona. If this be the case, the French Government must at length have really thrown off the mask."

The British war-ship Formidable, which bad got on the sands at the month of the Llobregat, and was nearly wrecked, was got off by the help of the French war-steamers Gassendi and Etna.

By the packet-ship Ilottinguer, which sailed from New York on the 20th November, three days' later intelligence has been received. The most prominent topic is the suicide of John Colt, who had been con- victed of the murder of a Mr. Adams. He killed him in his own office, mutilated the body, and tried to export it in a trunk ; but he was detec- ted, tried, and sentenced to death. On the day named for his execution, he was married, in the presence of the Sheriff and his officers, to a woman with whom he had formerly lived. A few minutes before the appointed hour, the Sheriff and attendants entered his cell, where he had been left a short time alone, and found him lifeless ; he had stabbed himself with a large clasp-knife, which he had managed to secrete. He declared to the last, that he had killed Mr. Adams in self-defence only.

Quarterly average of the weekly li thilities and assets of the Bank of England, from the 10th September 1842 to the 3 d December 1842—


Circulation £19,562,060 Securities


Deposits 8,957,000 1 Bullion 9,984,000



With reference to the reduction of the Three-and-a-half per Cents, we sul- join abstracts of those parts of the various statutes by which the three descrip- tions of Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks were created, where the term of the reduction of these stocks is declared : and it will be seen that the Government have long had under such acts the power of reducing them, but have never been enabled to exercise it on account of the state of the Money-market. Of the Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks, the first created is the Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1818: by 58th George ILL, cap. 23, every subscriber of 100/. Three per Cent Consols and Ill. in money was entitled to 1001. Three-and-a-half per Cent Stock ; which could not be redeemed or paid off before the 5th April 1829, but after that period any amount of the said stock of not less than 500,000/. might be redeemed by the Government giving six months' notice in the London Gazette. The next, the Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents, arose out of the reduction of the Four per Cents in 1824: by the 5th George IV. cap. 24, it was provided that the holders of Four per Cents might exchange their stock for Three-and-a-half per Cents, which should not be liable to redemption until the 10th October 1829. The last-created is that known by the name of the New Three-and-a-half per Cents, arising from the conversion of Four per Cents (that had originally been Navy Five per Cents) into Three- and-a-half per Cents, in the year 1830: by the 11th George IV. cap. 13, it was provided that the holders of Four per Cents should have the option of converting every 100/. Four per Cents into 1001. Three-and-a-half per Cents, or into 7, L Five per Cent Stock; the Three-and-a-half per Cents to be redeemable up. as and after the 5th January 1840; while the Five per Cents are irredeemable until 5th January 1873.