10 DECEMBER 1881, Page 2

Great excitement has been created in Scotland by the dis-

covery that the body of the late Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, which was embalmed in Italy and brought home, has been carried off from the family tomb annexed to Dunecht Castle, Aberdeen. The evidence is as yet imperfect, but it is believed that the body was carried off so long ago as May last, that Lord Crawford's agent was informed of the fact in a letter, which he thought a stupid hoax, and that the tomb was again disturbed on Wednesday week, either to attract notice to the theft, or to replace the body. It is, however, possible that the body was carried away on the Wednesday. The most energetic search is being made, and a heavy reward is offered ; but as yet there is no clue even to the motive of the crime. The popular idea is that the body was stolen for ransom, as in Mr. Stewart's case ; but no money has been demanded, and it is incredible that any should be paid. The late Lord Craw- ford can take no harm, wherever his body is. Another theory is that the body was stolen by students of embalming, and this is the statement of an anonymous person, who affirms, in an Aberdeen paper, that he helped in the removal. This is dis- trusted, and considering that the offence must be burglary as well as body-snatching, the tomb being part of the house, it is not very probable. Our suggestion towards a theory would be this. The only person really injured by the crime is the Dowager Lady Crawford, whose feelings must be cruelly lacerated. Con- sequently, the first presumption is, that the abstraction was ordered and paid for by some deadly enemy of that lady.