10 DECEMBER 1898, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR Or n111 "SPECTATOR"] Sin,—As a lover of dogs, and especially of the chow chow dog, I must most strongly protest against the description of the breed contained in the article on foreign dogs in the Spectator of December 3rd. Far from being uncertain in temper, I consider the chow chow as one of the safest of doge. Certainly he dislikes to be handled, especially by strangers, but only sho-vs his dislike by holding aloof and growling, and never by snapping. He is of a most affectionate disposition, although he has a certain independence of character, and as a pet he is perhaps superior in some- essential qualities to any other breed of dogs that I am acquainted with. He is fastidious in his food, extremely cleanly, and does not jump on chairs or sofas. As to looks, he has a beautiful eoat, straight limbs, and well-shaped body, with a most characteristic head. Allow me, moreover, to add that I think very few people will concur with the writer of the article in question, in thinking that the Scotch deerhound can in any way compare in beauty with the white Russian

The Grange, Salcombe, Singsbridge, December 5th.