10 DECEMBER 1937, Page 50


It may be recalled that this Trust was formed about eighteen months ago to enable the investing public to take an interest in the shares of electrical supply equipment and kindred undertakings. It was constituted by a trust deed between the General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Co., as trustees, and Allied Investors Fixed Trust, Ltd., as managers, and the Trust enables investors, for sums of about £50 upwards to secure an interest in a range of securities spread over leading investments in the electrical field. At the present time, the, units stand at about 17s. 9d. and, as the last two distributions, covering a complete year of the Trust, amounted to £4 5s. 4d. per cent. gross per annum in cash dividends, plus LI 5s. 9d. per cent. from recurring bonuses and rights, the return is equivalent to about 51 per cent. An explanatory booklet, which can be obtained from Allied Investors Fixed Trust, Ltd., gives more detailed particulars with regard to the operation of the Trust.

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