10 FEBRUARY 1838, Page 13



A small section.”-All the Downing Street Juternals, passim.

Ie large majorities could supply the want of wisdom and justice in a measure, then the coalition of Whigs, Tories, and, to their shame be it spoken, Radicals, might rejoice in the numbers which swelled the division-lists in favour of the Canada Coercion Bill. They carried matters with a high hand, it must be confessed- just as Lord GREY'S majority carried it over the opponents of what O'CONNELL used to call the Algerine Act. The Tories and the mere Whigs acted in their vocation, well and cordially toge- ther, then as now : but there are not a few Liberal Members who bitterly repented of the votes they gave for the infamous Coercion Bill ; and more, we venture to predict, will look back with shame and sorrow to their share of the atrocity towards Canada. Wait till the consequences of their doings are worked out. It may happen, for the first time in the history of nations, that wrong will produce affection, and tyranny peace! Let the Liberal Members of the Government majorities comfort themselves with the notion. In the mean while, believing that the post of honour was held by the minority, and that ere long such will become a prevalent opi- nion, we reprint from the Vote-paper the names of the small band who resisted the last outrage on a free people, or at least would have preserved the forms of decent deliberation in deciding their fate.


1 2 3 4 5 1 6 1 1 30 9 Exec...Name or THE SIT DIVISIONS.

1. Fur One Day's Pause.-lalsonry 16. Motion made that au humble address be pre 'wilted to her Majenty. On a motion that the debate he adjourned to the following day, the House divided-Ayes, 30; Noes, 190 (including Tellers); majority against adjournment, 160.

2. Against bringing in the 8111.-3annary 17. The Douse divided on the qnestion "that leave be given hi liming itt It bill to make t empurnry pros ision for the government of Lower Canada"-Ay es, 200; Noes, 9 (including Teller.); majority tor bringing in tlie bill, 191.

3. Fur Information -January 17. Motion made that an humble address be pre- sented to her 51ajesty fin. copies of Deliateltes explancory or the causes of the issue of orders for tho arrest of the Slwaket 01 the 'louse of Assembly of Loser Canada. and tweut y seven other persons; the House divided-Ayes, 13; Noes, 63 (including Tellers); majority against the motion. 48.

4. 'triad ring into Committee Wm the Jemmy 23. Motion made .11,a the Bill be committed:" the House divided -Ayes, :64 ; Noer, 18 (including Tellers); nr.jot it y, 246.

5. Agninst hurrying the Bill through the flout.- anonry 23. On it motion that the order of the day for the Committee Ws the Lower Canadian Government Bill hale precedence of Notices of Motion " on the following • jhursday, the House divided- Ayes, 103; Noes, 8 (iucluding Tellers); majority. 95.

6. Againit the Third Reading rf the Dill.-Jawlary 21. On the question that the 11111 be read • third time. the House dirided--Ay es, 112; Noes 10 (including Tellers); majority fur third resting, 102.

There are three or four Tories in the above list of forty-three, who thought the demand for "one day's pause.' was not unreason- able, when the liberties of' a people were at stake; but of about seventy Irish Members, sworn to "justice,' eight only, including Hums, recorded their votes against the tyrannical coercion of Canada. The name of O'CONNELL is not in the catalogue. When the bill was passed, and the balloting for Election Committees came on, the Irish Members flocked to St. Stephen's-no longer under the fear of being summoned to vote according. to their consciences and against the Ministers. O'Comnat.L.'s pledge to the Crown an 1 Anchor meeting is not forgotten ; but it has not been redeemed. I •-• A;0 11 A

Aglionby, Major Ammo net, T.


J. J.

Brut Lydon, .1 Bros n, Ill)

Buller, C Butler, Don. Col.

Callaghan. D.

Collins, W.

Currie, Raikes (.; Deonistoun.

Eliot. lord Finds. F.

Forester, Hon.

Gillon W. D. Goddard, Ambrose .

Grote, G.

Hall, B Harvey. D. W. 11awee, It Ilindley, Charles Dodges, T. L Hume. J.

Jervis, Swynfeu

Leader, J. T.

Lister. It. C Marton, G.

Molessottli, Sir W Ohm inn, W. S

Prue& W. in

Scarlet, Hon. It Somerville. Sir W. H Stewart, James Thorael T Turuer,'W.

Vigor*, N t

Villiers. C. 1'.

Wak ey , T.

Warburton. 11.

Witlianis, W. 15


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