10 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 2

It is stated, apparently on good authority, thitiAdmiral Pareja intended

his suicide to express his own conviction of his unfitness for his post. He had convinced himself that M. Tavira was a gullible person, and that Chili would never.figirtiand, when it did, he perceived that he had brought--his country into a terrible scrape In a letter to a friend, written-jest befoie hiedeath, her begged him to apologize to M. Tavira, and to persuade his Govern- ment to make peace. ID the- aroused vanity of Spaniards will- allow him, Marshal,: O'Donnell will probably accept the advice.- He announced in the Clortes of. Friday. that Peru was -at ware withSpain, and with thetwo Republics todace, iron-clads-on their- road to Valparaiso, and. no supplies-procurable on the Pacific: coast, the Spanish fleetiacertainly in no enviable position. It• is, doubtful if it will ever regain Spain.