10 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 2

The- adjourned' debate on the Address-turned almost entirely upon Fenisnism,

upon-which the, O'Donogleue made a really re- markable speech. The member- for Tralee is chiefly : known in England by some wild speeches to excited Nationalista but he is a man of no moan ability, with a really, great Irish pedigree, a geoduetate, and great influence in his own countay—advantagee not injurious :to' a speaker who is besides, believed to. be one of the very handsomest men-in Europe. With' graceful-tact he dia- claimed all hostility to-Englund--"Its was-impossible- for one-who, came much in contact with Engliahmen, ashe did, to hate them ;" —and then proceeded to his bill, of. indictment He condemned Fenianiern unreservedly, but believed that disaffection was not its consequence-but its cause anddedared thatin three provinces at least- those who did not assist the Fenians still felt a sympathy for them, and a dislike for-British rule.- He would remove that dislike by strong measures, by expending .money on public works, by taxing

absentees, by introducing the denominational system of education and the English Poor Law, by abolishing ,the Established Church, and by passing a measure creatingi tenant-right. He therefore moved that the -words, "This disaffection is the result of -grave causes, which it is the duty of Her Majesty's Ministers-to remove," should be added to the Address.