10 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 3

Captain J. Casey, commanding the Jane Eaudett f ..a vessel pro- ceeding

from Quebec to. Falmouth with wood,bas had an almost miraculous escape. On December 2t' his ship was,. disabled by a heavy gale, and be himself and all his crew were washed out of her by a tremendous sea. They regained the ship, and sought refuge in the maintop, when-she capsized and they went under water, but the cargo being of -wood she righted, and they still held On. In the maintop they remained without anything to drink for.weeks.. Day by, day the men fell dead delirious from thirst or drinking sea water, but the carpenter lasted till the eighteenth day, and the captain till the twenty-eighth, living.on rain water caught by tying his cravat.round .the. mast.- On the, twenty-ninth day, a vessel bound for Holland approached the ship, and Captain Casey was rescued, and is now slowly recovering his strength: We cannot but think Captain Caaey,...who_ related this story to the chaplain who-sends it-to-,the Times, must. hatirep.been delirious during, part of. the time 'and mistaken his dates. The evidence. abautfood is. conflicting, but no man could live eighteen days, as bethinks the carpenter. did, without drink.