10 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 3

On Saturday last - the Consol market - was firin, the quolartitm fol .

money being, 86f,. And 'for -account 87i I., On litinday-a further improvement-took place, .busineas for transfer having-been ddne at. 87*., Since then, however, the market has been• in--a most-inactive state,.and yesterday.'s closing quotations were- i td per cent. below thebighest point of the. week; the latest -official prices being_ 26i for -money, and 87 to 871 for account. Ili other departments of the Stock Exchange there has been.a great want of activity, And in several instances the quotations have given- way. Financial..companies' shares are greatly depressed. In foreign securities,..however, there has been considerable- firm- ness.. Mexican, Turkish,.and Spanish descriptions have reallied enhanced quotations.