10 FEBRUARY 1917, Page 10

"September, 1910.

We had a jolly little dinner last night at a. French restaurant, *-Sine dead.,

and some very excellent Chambertin, so you sea we are not quite out of civilization. We are giving a dinner to-night, of which the menu will be:— . Hers d'oeuvre varies.

Purée de Tomatee.

League de Bond braise.

Bpinards h In Frangaise.

Bifteck. Chonx.fleurs.

Pommes de terre !rites.

Macedoine de fruits.

ngea it cheval.




This served on two dishes, an oilcloth table-cloth, in a room or. which three walls are mud and one is wood, and which has one window with and one without glass, and one half and half, and whose furniture consists of home-made wooden stools and a table, ought to be rather effectivel The light will be afforded by two dips stuck in the mouths of bottles. However, it is a good dinner 1"