10 FEBRUARY 1950, Page 28

Forthcoming Books

DETAILS of new books to be published in the spring and summer are now coming in from the publishers. Collins announce a biography of Maupassant by Francis Steegmuller for March, and a novel by Rose Macaulay—The World My Wilderness, her first for ten years—which will be published in May. In Longmans' list is Collected Impressions, an assembly of critical prefaces, reviews and articles written by Elizabeth Bowen during the last fourteen years (April), and a first collection of William Morris's letters, by Philip Henderson (June). The Essential T. E. Lawrence, selected with an introduction by David Garnett, is in Cape's summer list, and so is A Retrospect of Flowers by Andrew Young, whose earlier volume, A Prospect of Flowers, was widely appreciated. Cape will also publish in the summer an autobiography by Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, V.C., Happy Odyssey, for which Mr. Churchill has written a foreword. MacGibbon and Kee announce a translation (by Robert Kee) of Hans Werner Richter's The Vanquished, a German book of the Second World War. And in March, John Lane will publish a book of five hundred pages, containing more than twenty essays by American authors on the period 1918-39, under the far-fetched title, The Aspirin Age.

Constable are producing two interesting biographies—of Trelawny, by R. Glynn Grylls, and of William Cory. by Faith Compton Mackenzie, the latter containing a selection of Cory's poems. Also due from Constable are an autobiographical volume by Dr. Oliver St. John Gogarty, Rolling Down the Lea, and a new novel by Bruce Marshall, set in Paris, called Every Man a Penny. Eyre and Spottiswoode's spring list includes A. J. A. Symons His Life and Speculations, a book about the author of The Quest for Cory°, who died in 1941, by his brother, Julian Symons. Batsford are publishing books on Spain by Sacheverell Sitwell (April), and on Switzerland, by John Russell (May). Mr. Richard Aldington's biography of D. H. Lawrence, Portrait of a Genius But . . . , is coming from Heinemann at the end of March, and Moscow Mission 1946-1949 by Lieutenant-General Walter Bedell Smith in April. Last, but by no means least, Cassell hope to have ready by the end of June the third volume of Mr. Churchill's War Memoirs,