10 FEBRUARY 1961, Page 16


SIR,—Robin McDouall finds that 'in the lesser Mediterranean islands, they have never heard of the dear National Provincial' and recommends 'Cook's or the American Express for travellers' cheques.'

I too bank at the 'dear National Provincial,' but have a subsidiary account at Lloyds. I find that. owing to confusion between Lloyds Bank and another institution of the same name, travellers' cheques issued by Lloyds are treated with the greatest reverence . . . and that not only in the lesser Mediterranean islands.' So I use these wherever I go; and if you print this letter the Manager of my Branch of the 'dear National Provincial' will knOw the reason why I never use his travellers' cheques.— Yours faithfu'lly, CHARLES H. OR ■Y

Travellers' Club, Pall Mall, SW1