10 FEBRUARY 1979, Page 18

Good Idea

Sir: As an old-established reader of your journal, I have read Christopher Booker's articles on social and cultural issues in your columns in recent months with general pleasure and a large measure of agreement. As a scientist and natural historian, however, I was distressed by his clearly illinformed remarks about' 'Darwinism' in your issue of last week. The Spectator is an excellent journal in the broad field of the Humanities, but it does give the impression of being written by and for the scientifically illiterate, and some of your writers, for example Richard Ingrams, I suspect, would actually boast that they neither know nor care anything about science. Natural scientists are not a negligible fraction of our educated magazine-reading classes, and not all of them are committed readers of your principal competitor. Why not try including occasional articles on scientific issues, written by competent scientists (as opposed to science-fiction cranks). in your columns?

R. A. Crowson University of Glasgow