10 JANUARY 1863, Page 24


The Golden Link; a Poem Romance, by John Wray Calmer. (Sampson Low, Son. and Co.)—Life in Normandy. (Edmonston and Douglas, Edinburgh.)—Lamps of the Church; or, Rays of Faith, Hope, and Charity, by the Rev. H. Clissold, M.A. (Rivingtons.)—The Second War of Independence in America, by E. H. Hudson. (Longmans.)—The Flue Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland, by H. O'Neill (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—Our Untitled Nobility, by John Tillotson. (Hogg and Son.) —The Castle Maiden, by Mrs. R. J. Green. (Marlborough and Cod—Barrington, by Charles Lever. (Chapman and HalL)—The Cost of a Secret, by the author of Agnes Tremorne (Chapman And Hall.)--Lectures Delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association. (Hodges, Smith, and Co., Dublind—Selections from the Political Works of Robert Browning. (Chapman and Hall.)—Richard Langdon ; or, ForeshadowecL (Grant and Son, Edinburgh.)—Roland Cashel, by Charles Lever. • (Chapman and Hall.)—No Name, by Wilkie Collins. (Sampson Low, Son, and Co.)—Sir Aberdour ; or, the Sceptic, by Walter P. J. Purcell, Esq. (13. M. Pickeringd—The Voyage of the Novara, by Dr. Karl Scherzer. (Saunders, Otley, and Cod—Blackwood's Magazine. —Eraser's Magazine.—The Intellectual Observer.—The Exchange.—The Sculptor's Journal.—Dublin University Magazine.—The Medical Critic and Psychological Journal—The National Review.—The Westminster Review.—The Popular Science Review.—The Museum.—The Home and Foreign Review.—The Handbook of Family Devotion, by Heinrich Zachokke. (Simpkin and Marshall)—Possibilities of Creation. (Simpkin and Marshall.)

A Dictionary of Useful Knowledge. (Holliston and Wright.)--Golden Leaves, by Robert Bell. (Griffin, Bohn, and Co.)—The Criminal Prisons of London, by Henry Mayhew. (Griffin, Bohn, and Co.) Brother and Sister. (Mozley and Cod—Little

People, by the Author of Two Mottoes. (Mozley and Co.)--Counteas Kate, by the Author of the Heir of Itedelyffe. (Morley and Co.) Pantile, by Elinimus, (Trtibner and Co.) Biitish Enterprise beyond the Seas, by E. F. leyfe. (Nelson and Sons.)—Lower Brittany and the Bible there, by James Bloomfield- (Longmans.)— The Mystery of Money Explained. (Walton and Maberleyd—The National Magazine. —Tales and Sketches of Lancashire Life, by Benjamin Brierley. (Heywood, 3Ianchesterd—Bibliographers' Manual, by William Thomas Lowndes. (Henry G. Bohn.) Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, by Rev. John Hampden Gurney. (Rivingtonsd—The War-Office List, by Denham Robinson. (Harrisond—Scientific Record of the Great Exhibition. (Longmans.)—Calendar of State Papers. (Long- mans.)—Science Elucidative of Scripture, by John Radford Young. (Lockwood.)— A Reply, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. (Sampson Low and Cm)—The History of Little Sehon de Saintre, by Alexander Vance. (Chapman and Hall.)—The House by the Churchyard, by S. Sheridan Le Faun. (Tinsley Brothers.)—Poems of Early and Later Years, by D. M'Corkindale. (Simpkin and Marshall.) Recollections of Siberia, by Pietrowski. (Long,maus.)—Panch Volume for 1858.—Poems of Rural Life, by William Barnes. (Jno. Russell Smith.)—Beatrice Storrs, by William Brewer, M.D. (Hurst and Blackett.)