10 JANUARY 1880, Page 1

But little news has been received from Afghanistan this week,

and that little is not very promising. It is reported demi-officially that Mahommed Jan, before his flight, informed General Roberts that he should continue the war until the Eng- lish were expelled ; that there is but little ammunition left in Shirpore ; that two regiments of cavalry have been sent from Shirpore to Dhakka, for want of forage ; that General Roberts has recommenced hangings, executing ten Afghan soldiers in one day ; and that he has offered an amnesty, excluding leaders, and threatening to execute more if the people rise again. As Afghanistan is not annexed, this is a threat to execute prisoners of war, and will be followed by reprisals, which, in England, will be termed murders. The corre- spondent of the Standard' adds that desperate efforts are being made by the Mollahs to induce the Mohmunds to rise, and fall on the British in the Khyber, but hitherto these efforts have not succeeded. Both General Roberts and General Bright are making great efforts to strengthen the posts between Cabul and Jumrood, and so ensure communica- tion until the spring ; and there is a report that 3,000 baggage animals, collected in Cabal itself, have been forwarded to the Transport Department, which, as the winter ends, will receive supplies of mules from Persia. All things point to a new cam- paign in the early spring.