10 JANUARY 1903, Page 1

The Berlin correspondent of the Daily Chronicle sends to Monday's

paper some very significant extracts from an article in the Vossische Zeitung dealing with the Monroe doctrine,— an article which he says expresses the general feeling of anti- pathy to that doctrine which is felt throughout all classes in Germany. The Vossische Zeitung declares that Germany has never recognised the Monroe doctrine. It believes also that Ger- many never will recognise it. " President Monroe's Message," it says, "is obsolete as far as it is at all tangible. The South American States have not recognised it. The Monroe doctrinb belongs to the region of Conjectural' politics. It is neither the duty of Germany to recognise it nor to dispute it. South American Republics are regarded here as sovereign States, and as such they must pay their debts. Ger- many will enforce her demands suaviter in moclo, fortiter in re." Reuter's Agency, also, declares that " the vexation felt at the delay in settling the Venezuelan question finds expression in various journals, which all inveigh against the Monroe doctrine."