10 JANUARY 1903, Page 21

The Relations : What they Related. By Mrs. Baillie Reynolds

(G. M. Robins). (Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—Stainley Rivers— he changes his name, we see, to " Stanley " on the last page—and Agatha Mayne meet on their way to Titherleigh Manor. " She is but a High School Teacher, And a Minor Poet he." At the Manor they meet a number of relatives, who are awaiting the arrival of the owner. There is a certain mystification about this, which it is needless to explain. Anyhow, an opportunity is given for the telling of a number of stories, after the manner of the guests at the "Wayside Inn." This setting for a number of short stories, not inappropriately labelled as " weird," is ingeniously contrived; the stories, too, are good of their kind, though we may repeat what we have said before, that " psychical " narratives do not interest us unless they profess to be true.