10 JANUARY 1914, Page 14


[To ens Enemas or ens "error/am:] Sre„—May I be permitted to voice the thanks of all loveis of animals for the admirable letter which appeared in your last- week's issue in reference to the cruel and sordid traffic ha "worn-out horses," which ie still suffered to disgrace our so-called Christian land P Publicity is by far the most effective remedy for the removal of the corruptions of a decadent civilization, and its searchlight cast into the dark places of the earth shows them to be fell of wickedness and wrong. It is nothing less than a national scandal that these worn-out veterans of industry, justly entitled by long and faithful service to the peace and pension of declining years, simply because they are voiceless and voteless should he Subjected to the nameless horrors of the serum factory and the knacker's yard. These things ought not so to he; the one thing needful is legislation, short, and sharp, and strong. Let all, then, who have hearts to feel and heads to think join hands for the deliverance of -these. dumb dependants, and let everyone who loves a 'good horse, and who loathes the infernal fraternity of cupidity and cruelty, write to his Member and say simply,- but

unequivocally, that his vote at the next General Election will be conditional upon the summary suppression of these iniquities. Under a snowstorm of each missives this black infamy would be blotted out, and, like Aaron of old, Parliament would stand between the living and the dead and the plague

would be stayed.—I am, Sir, &c., ARNOLD F. Hru,s, Hammerfield, Penshurst, President of Vegetarian. Kent. Federal Union.