10 JANUARY 1936, Page 2

German Jews and Palestine The mission of Sir Herbert Samuel,

Lord Bearsted. and Mr. Simon Marks to the United States is a sign of renewed efforts to rescue the German Jews from the fate so vividly described in Mr. Macdonald's letter of resigna- tion from the office of Commissioner for German refugees. The deputation will confer with the leaders of the Jewish community in the United States, the largest in the Western world, and try and concert means of raising £3,000,000 over a period of four years. This specifically Jewish campaign will be independent of any action by the League of Nations. It cannot hope to 'touch all the 450,000 Jews still in•Germany ; but it may help the younger generation to escape. The German Government will not allow any emigrants to take their capital with them, except on condition the transference is made through the export of German goods, paid for abroad. Thus Jewish refugees will be used to break the Jewish boycott. It is to be hoped the British mission will succeed, and quickly. For it is no exaggeration to say that the Jews in Germany are being condemned, not only to shameful indignities but starvation. Many Jews will, no doubt, prefer to cut the financial loss and get out on any terms.

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