10 JANUARY 1941, Page 14


Sm,—With reference to the mild controversy on the subject of IT, surely the credit for IT'S invention (though he might not have coveted it) belongs to Rudyard Kipling?

I quote from " Mrs. Bathurst " (Traffics and Discoveries, published 1907 or earlier): " I can remember (says Pritchard), every time that I ever saw Mrs. B."

" So can I—an' I've only been to Auckland twice—how she stood an' what she was sayin" an' what she looked like. That's the secret. 'Tisnt beauty, so to speak, nor good talk necessarily. It's just IT. Some women'll stay in a man's memory if they once walk down a street, but most of 'em you can live with a month on end, an' next commission you'd be put to it to certify whether they talked in their sleep or not, as one might say."—Yours faithfully, SUSAN INGLIS. Yonder, Church Lane, Beeding, Steyning, Sussex