10 JANUARY 1958, Page 20


SIR,—Sir Ifor Evans, in your issue of January 3, complains that I described the Observer as 'Astor- owned.' He adds, 'No members of the Astor family are members of the Trust, which.was founded by the late Lord Astor and his son, who owned the paper at that time.' These facts are correct, and I must express my apologies to all concerned, and notably to your readers, for technically misinforming them. At the same time I cannot allow the disingenuous- ness of Sir Ifor Evans to pass without remark. Mr. David Astor has been the Editor of the Observer since 1948, the year in which the Trust was created. I like and admire Mr. David Astor, but I think it must come under the category of the New Yorker "funny coincidence' department that he should chance ) be the Editor of the Observer, rather than of any other national or provincial newspaper. I doubt if Sir Ifor discharges effective proprietorial functions 'in the same way as does Mr. David Astor; and whether Sir Ifor has done Mr. David Astor any ser- vice by his disingenuous letter.—Yours faithfully, RANDOLPH S. CHURCHILL Stour, East Bergholt, Sugolk