10 JULY 1830, Page 12


Sroca EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Eve---.1so.—The large amount of money which has been put into circulation during e week, by the payments to the four per cent. dissentients, and of the divide ads, nos fullyaustained the improvement in the prices of Stock which we noticed in our last report. At one time, indeed, yesterday morn- ing, the appearance of the Market was still more promising, and prices had ad- vanced to 941 1 for the Acconnt3 but at ,this point, some heavy sales occurred, and the Market, after some fluctuations, closed at 941. This morning, ton, the Salo eon. diming, and advice' of a fall of nearly one per cent. in the French funds baying alio been received, the Market became heavy at 931 but is now somewhat higher,. and considerably firmer, at 931. But these slight fluctuations do not appear to us to be of any moment ; and indeed, so long as Stock for actual and immediate transfer shalt codC ife as it now, is, scarce, and money of so little value as to yield hardly one per cs :er4c'orfsaperiods, which is the rate of to-day, we cannot anticipate any great fall 1, L,‘ but should rather expect a further and considerable rise. Let no maralowever, speculate on this opinion, or be induced to place any more value OR it than he would on our opinion of next week's weather, for of all sublunary affairs the Nrices of Stock are the tnosrvariahle and uncertain), weather not excepted. 7111e prices of the heavy Stocks have keptVaz:e with the advance in Consols, and had'-' -4Pioxraded in the same proportion. India Bonds and Exchequer Bills are is New 31 per Cent. is at a premium of fully one per cent. so that the have taken nothing by their motion. On the contrary, besides the pie- d') te i. raid, they are minus the " turn of the Market," and the commission for reinvestment ; for what else • can they do with their money than reinvest Here is the only secret of the high price of Stock.

The business done in the Foreign Market- this week has been of very trifling amount and clittratger. In Greek Bonds there was a movement yesterday, upon some pretence of Prince somebody going out instead of him of Saxe Cobonrg; but we should hope recent occurrences have implanted some few grains of common prurience in the minds of those who might otherwise be buying this stock. It was sold yesterday at -10, but is to-day back to as. Brazilian Bonds are higher ; and all other Continental, as well as South American Bonds, are much as they were described int our last report. Russian and Danish, however, are higher—Spanish is firm at about 1St. In Shares there is very little business of late, and nothing worthy of special report.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE.—There has been very little business here this morning. Consols for money 92i to a, and for the opening 932 to I, which includes the Dividend. In the Foreign Market onze or two bargains are reported at about 36.