10 JULY 1869, Page 2

The Welsh landlords are quite determined to have a Tenant-

Right Bill passed for the United Kingdom. They are evicting tenants wholesale for not voting as they are bid. The Member for Merthyr, Mr. Richard,—a new man, who is rapidly taking the position of the Nonconformist representative, —proved on Tuesday, in an able speech, that in Cardiganshire and Carnarvonshire some seventy farmers had been evicted merely because, as Noncon- formists, they voted for the Disestablishment Bill. None of them received any compensation for improvements ; and Mr. Charles Wynn, in reply, urged that Tory landlords could hardly be blamed if, finding all Nonconformists Liberals, they insisted on receiving only Churchmen as tenants. How would Mr. Wynn like an Act, declaring it for the interest of the State that no Churchman should bold land? The principle is exactly the same, and is in both instances tyranny,—aggravated in the former case by the fact that a voter who obeys such an order, that is, who takes a bribe, is amenable to the criminal law. When the dissolution comes, as it must come, on the land laws, the result in Wales will not strengthen the landlords' hands. We should add that Mr. Richard's facts were accepted by Mr. Bruce, who was his opponent at Merthyr, by Colonel Cowell Stepney, and all the Liberal members for Wales. The only argument in reply was, that the Dissenting Ministers threatened their congregations with hell if they voted against the Bill, which may be true, rectors having done exactly the same,—only the Dissenter, if he did not like the threats, could punish the threatener, and the parishioner could not.