10 JULY 1875, Page 1


HE dispute between the Indian Government and the King of T Burnish has been made more intelligible this week, and at the same time more grave, by some telegrams, and an explanation from Mr. Bourke in the House of Commons. It appears that the (King has refused our terms of settlement as to the Karennee -country, and has demanded that we should declare the protected

■ -hes independent of both Powers. That means, of course, that we7*ould allow him to conquer the Karens as soon as he has invented an excuse. He has, moreover, says Mr. Bourke, refused to allow the British troops to pass through his country to avenge the murder of Mr. Margary, and denied our right to send an escort with the next commercial expedition. This course amounts to a defiance, and in Asia the British Government must take up any challenge. A telegraphic correspondence has accord- ingly taken place between the Viceroy and the Secretary of State, and an ultimatum will probably be forwarded to the Burmese Court, to be accepted or rejected under penalty of war. The proceedings will, however, we suspect, be slow, so as to avoid a campaign during the visit of the Prince of Wales.