10 JULY 1915, Page 3

The special correspondent of the Times at Belgrade said in

Wednesday's paper that the Austrian monitors on the Danube, since they were reduced from seven to six by a "pretty piece of torpedo work," have lain inside a boom. They have been brought to immobility by the enterprise of the dashing picket- boat known as'The Terror of the Danube.' True, the Austrians have three picket gunboats which look like toy Dreadnoughts, and are not kept inside a boom, but the Terror ' worries even them. She comes up in the dark, and looses off her single machine gun at one of them, and then runs like a hare. Lately the Terror,' running like a hare, led one of the Austrian Dreadnought picket-boats into a prepared minefield. The enemy vessel was wrecked and ran ashore, and the crew of the ' Terror' took a fine lot of " booty," as the Germans say, out of her the next day. Lieutenant-Commander Kerr, R.N., of the Terror,' has received the D.S.O., and richly deserves it.