10 JULY 1926, Page 33


gISCELLANEOUS.-An Outline of Abnormal Psychology. By William McDougall. (Methuen. 15s.)-Winchester College. By the Winchester . College Archaeological Society. (P. and G. Wells, Winchester. 7s. 6d.)

Artifex, or the Future of Craftsmanship. By John Gloag. (Kegan Paul. 28. 6d.)-Home and School. By Mrs. A. Hutton Radice. (Partridge, 5s.)-Health Com- pendium and Health Publicity. By T. Crew. (The Reader Printing Company, Leicester.. 7s. 6d.)

Sheaves from the Cornhill. (Murray. 7s. 6d.)-A Village on the Thames. By Rickman J. Godlee. (Allen and Unwin. 7S6d.).-Laivn Tennis. By Major J. C. S. Rendall. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.)

LITERATURE AND BIOGRAPIIY.-The Dramas Of Alfred Lord Tennyson. By C. H. H. Japikse. (Macmillan. 7s. 6d.) A Commentary on Cicero in Vatinium. By L. G. Pocock. (University of London. 4s. (k.)-Some Dickens Women. By Edwin Charles. (T. Werner Laurie. 16s.)-The World's End and Other Plays. By Reginald Berkeley. (Williams and Norgate. 6s.)-Contemporary Spanish Literature. By Aubrey Bell. (Knopf. 10s. 6d.) The Book of Robert Southwell. By C. M. Hood. (Blackwell. 7s. Od.)-Collected Poems. By A. E. (Macmillan. 10s. 6d.)-Sixty-three Poems. By Wilfrid Gibson. (Macmillan. 3s. 6d.)-Keats. By H. W. Garrod. (Oxford University Press. 5s.)-Carlo Gesualdo. By Cecil Gray and Philip Heseltine. (Kegan Paul. 8s. 6d.)-Renoir, An IntinWe Record. By Ambrose Vollard. (Knopf. 10s. 6d.)

HISTORY AND EcoNomics.-The Development of the European Nations. 1870-1921. Second Printing of Sixth Edition. By J. Holland Rose. (Constable. 10s. 6d.)-Readings from Great Historians. Vol. IV.: Early European History to the Fall of Rome. By Alexander Duthie. (Harrap. 4s. 6d.)-The End of Laissez-Faire. By John Maynard Keynes. (Hogarth Press. 2s.)--Con- ditions of Social Welfare. By John Bowen. (Daniel. 3s. 6d.)-Cotton Growing Countries, Present and Poten- tial. (P. S. King. 12s. 6d.)

RELIGION.-Can We Then Believe ? By Rt. Rev. Charles Gore. (Murray. 6s.)-The Western New Testament. By Rev. E. E. Cunnington. (Routledge. 5s.)-The Old Testament. Vol. I (Genesis to Ruth) : Studies in Teaching and Syllabus. By C. Knapp. (Murby. 16s.) Preaching in Mediaeval England. By G. R. Owst. (Cambridge University Press. 17s. 6d.) TRAVEL.-The Beautiful Isle of Mull. By Thomas Hannan., (Grant. 75. 6d.)-The High Peak to Sherwood. By T. L. Tudor. (Robert Scott. 7s. 6d.)-A Wayfarer on the Loire. By E. I. Robson. (Methuen. 4s. 6d.)

NOVELS .-Mantrap. By Sinclair Lewis. (Cape. is. 6d.) -Flower Phantoms. By Ronald Fraser. (Cape. 5s.) -The Lunatic in Charge. By J. Storer Clouston. (Bodley Head. 7s. Od.)